Exercise to lose tummy fat??


Full Member
Hi lovelies
I have lost 2 stone and into my 3 stone. I have a tummy and previously had 2 c sections. I know my tum will never be flat but has anyone lost their tummy fat by exercise??
Any help would be appreciated.
Julie xx
I would love some help on this as well.
It's a myth that you can spot reduce fat, you lose it from everywhere equally, get burning fat and it will go from your tummy. Aerobic exercise is your best bet; running, exercise dvd's etc...anything that gets your heart rate up. Get some good tummy exercises in there too to strengthen the muscles underneath which will 'tighten' your waste, have a look at the 10 minute solutions dvds on Amazon for the belly blasters dvd.
Hi, I know videos and ads on shopping channels usually never work. But I have bought Hip Hop Abs about 2 years ago and I have followed Shaun T throughout his other videos, but the best of his so far is hip hop abs, U can see results from the first time u do it. It really melts the fat from around your tummy and hips and also everywhere. Its a full body workout and I love it. he is funny, he keeps you moving and you are sort of dancing. When you get his technique down you will be sailing through it and I even do it without the video, when im waiting for the kettle to boil I quickly do one of the moves and U can feel it working. he will explain the tilt tuck and tighten and trust me it works. Started it back up again and I have lost in 4 weeks 6 inches around my tummy and I have lost two dress sizes. but meetings they have been raving about Zumba, which looks good too, someone who I work with goes to a class on thursday night and she loves it and it has toned her up really well.
Hope this helps :)