
Does anyone have any useful exercises that I can be trying out? I'm in my first week, Strangely I have more energy & want to do exercise now!!
If you have any I would appreciate if you could reply!
Thank You

Samantha Jo
They do say not to exercise in the first week or two but it's down to each individual as everyone feels differently.

As for which exercises to recommend... some people suggest light walking, some go to the gym for full-on work outs. Personally I jump on my x-trainer every so often or do a Carmen Electra DVD, nothing too strenuous for me.

Did you exercise much before coming on LT?
No, I didn't do any at all. I walk to work, It's like a 20Min walk. But that's all I suppose. I've got quite a few work out dvds. So I might give those a try
Sounds like a plan. And then after the first week or so if you feel like upping the pace a bit then you can but start out gently, definitely :)
I started walking on the treadmill at 65% of my max heart rate (which is the optimum fat burning rate) to work out yours subtract your age from 220 that then gives you your max heart rate (100%). Then just calculate what 65% would be.