Exercising to boost weight loss; Cardio v Weights


Hi All

I am 10lbs from goal and hoping to blitz these pounds away before christmas. What exercise do you do to boost your weight loss? I have been doing weights recently but dont see the results on the scales. My sister runs regularly and has lost loads of weight recently. Should I focus on cardio until goal or do both now??
Cardio is better for fat burning, weights are better for toning. Can you not do a but of both for optimum results. Also weights will build more muscle which weighs more than fat, so while you don't seem to be losing pounds you might be losing inches (which is better).
When I do a lot of toning I feel great but scales don't show so I would do mainly cardio with some interval toning xx
Hi :)

I was in the same boat as you, loved doing weight training, but I switched it and the results are great so far

80% cardio and 20% strength

I do all my cardio first and then weight training on areas I want to target.

also if you use machines try a fat burn routine

For example, I use the hip abduction/adduction machine & do 150 reps quickly on each! Gets the heart going, burns fat and gets the muscle working... One of the trainers told me this and I havent looked back since because she looks AMAZING!!?

Also if you are in a gym that has circuit training, it is the best of both worlds. Going from cardio to strength every min or so, so you stay in a cardio/fat burn zone