Extra Easy: From Flabby to Abi

I know so naughty but got so used to weighing myself every day when I was doing Dukan diet ( as the weight just drops off EVERY day!) I just couldn't resist! Oh we'll that will teach me. Ok I'm going to leave it a week. You are right 7 days is nothing in the scheme of things. Am just paranoid to put any on. That's why I've never stuck to EE because the first sight of any weight gain I'm off and onto something else! See if I can be pleasantly surprised!

Yay :) I know it's tough, i have been told off many a time for sneaky wi's, even though they do it! We are all as nuts as each other in this particular fruit cake lol ;)
I think with something as free as extra easy sometimes its finding what works for you personally too. I know I can't eat loads of pasta and potatoes as it weighs really heavy/ sticks around on me. Yet it is technically a free food. I also find that alcohol doesnt really tend to weigh (woohoo!) I would say stick at it for a month. A month isnt too long and you never know your body and mind might need time to adjust, especially if you have gone in skeptical about EE working.

PandaNate- good luck with going it from home, if you ever need any support there are a fab group of people right here to keep you going :)

As for myself. Im dreading WI. To the point that Ive been weighing myself about 3 times a day- and you KNOW how I feel about weighing outside of group! Its probably my biggest SW no-no.
Life is well and truly in the way. Its like a really rude sheep that wont get out from the middle of the road. I think I will see what happens tomorrow and then consider taking a break. Everything is so upside down and my food has been terrible but I just havent felt like eating. I think the only reason Ive stuck to having speed soup is because it was there made.

B- Overnight Oats and fruit salad
L- beetroots and a banana (Im not even joking- thats what I actually had)
D- scrambled egg with loads of onion, peppers and a huge side of brocolli.
Syns- cheese (hexA) hot choc- 2 syns, fruit

URGH. See what tomorrow brings I suppose.
Hope everyone is tippity top, sorry Im being such a space cadet but Im kind of neither use nor ornament atm.
I can safely say, after having a week almost completely off plan - I'm back with a vengeance, it was lovely but I feel so rubbish now I've got to get back on it - maybe do take a break, it seems to put things in perspective of why you're doing it - and if you end up doing an Emma and eating sh*t food, you'll find you miss healthy eating and crave a bit of fruit and a salad!
Hope you're alright Sweetness
Happy Sunday!

1lb off for me at WI on Friday. Was very shocked! Think Im going to try my best to stick on it and then just decide on Friday if i want to get weighed or not. Haven't bought a countdown so Im not tied to it.

Stayed on plan apart from having takeaway last night and back on it today. Think Im going to actually cook something this week, maybe a curry or chilli. Had some mac n cheese at my Mams yesterday and it was LUSH! I have our groups recipe file to post through and organise so hopefully i can got some ideas from there lol.

Going to be child free for a few hours today so I can let some heavy duty gardening done- uber body magic times!


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Feel blummin AMAZING after some gardening. Actually thats a bit of a lie Im shaking like a leaf haha BUT mentally I feel much better.
Its basically a case of ripping EVERYTHING out (and there is a lot!) so I can put turf down. Big shears, thick gloves and a lot of aggression haha. will be paying for it tomorrow I think!

Body magic sounds fab - and fun! Love a bit o' gardening! Are you achey now?

Hope you had a fabbbbbb weekend!
Achey doesnt even begin to describe it haha. Might not have been so bad if I managed to have a nice soak in the bath or didnt have to lift 2 little monsters loads haha. It was all worth it though so nothing a little deep heat and hot chocolate wont help haha.

My weekend hasnt been so bad, I've made good choices with meals but also been snacking on the kids leftovers (its not my fault they had pizza) had lots of SF too though and tried to keep my syns down everywhere else. Easier said than done when I've discovered Jalepeno pretzel pieces. They are just the bees knees.

Think Im going to attempt to make some pulled pork today oooOOOOooo After I go and clear the shelves of the new muller light SKINNY CAPPUCCINO! are you effing kidding me?! COFFEE YOGURT AND ITS FREEEEEE ^_^

hope everyone is good
Afternoon trouble :) xx
Afternoon Missus :) have you recovered from your little holiday?

I forgot there was sausages to be used to Ive knocked together a casserole for tea. Yay veg!

BabyGirl has kept me on my toes so far today, this was our trip to the shop 2014-05-06 13.39.45.jpg [/QUOTE]

Quite looking forward to a night off thanks to how sore I am haha. I'm going to see a writer talk about her new book tonight which should be good.
Aww look at her! Bless!
I am the absolute worst lately, so sorry my lovelies.

Besides other people causing drama Ive been roped in (rather willingly actually) to helping my friend organise a show for her production company. Shes absolutely fab and so good at what she does but she doesnt have the greatest focus and when she knows 20 things need doing she tries to do them all at once. So sensible MommaAbi stepped in, gave her a cup of tea and made a plan haha.

Food has actually been really good, havent even felt much like snacking on crap or high syns. Theres no need really when theres so much yummy fruit and berries to be had. Made the pulled pork and it was yummy, Had it with my hexb as a roll and some SW coleslaw followed by loads of fruit. Made a sausage casserole that lasted a few meals too- omnom! Think I miss real food rather than soup or just egg and veg.

As long as I manage a visit from the TF I should be on track for a loss tomorrow morning, not even worrying about it (which is rather odd for me!) its so frustrating knowing Im only 13lbs from target!!! NEVER thought I would get this close!

Hope everyone is having a smashing week, I promise I will catch up when I can (hopefully tonight if I dont get too distracted my the tivo box and Dexter haha)
Hey lovely :)
Hows it going? xx
Heya my lovelies, just a quick drop in. Im having a horrible week both in life and in SW. Lost 2lb last week but think I will put that and more on this week, I just havent cared as much as I could. Went out on friday night accidentally drank ALL of the vodka in shields and wasnt prepared with any SW friendly hangover food. Life is getting in the way too but I kinda think Im also getting in my own way because Im so close to target. I have 11lb to lose in 8/9 weeks and I just dont think its going to happen. I feel like in my home life all the support I had is gone and Im really struggling. Think Im struggling with everything at the minute, just want to hide in my bed.

Hope everyone is ok :)
Aw sweetie *bighug*

You can do 11lbs! Look at what you've already done!!
Sorry life has gone banana shaped (I don't like pears lol)

Here for you whenever you need xx
Hey Abi, it sounds like you're putting a lot of pressure on yourself. This is a change for life right? So if you take a little longer, so what?

No one looking can tell if you're a couple of pounds over the number you want. You're not better or worse because of a number on the scales and you'll still feel a whole lot better than a year ago. Big hugs.
Oh Honey - 11lbs is totally doable, and you know what, even if you don't get there by your target date, you'll still only be a teeny bit away from it, which is AMAZING! Take your own advice Sweet, be nice to yourself, people slip (me a lot!), drink vodka and get sh*tty food all the time, but you're aware of it, and you're trying. Life screws us all up sometimes - look at me, my target date is in 2 weeks, and I'm a hell of a long way off, you've done so so well and you should see that instead of how far there is to go!
You guys <3

Literally just had a massive cry. Youre all so sweet and supportive.
I totally am pressuring myself. So what if Im not at target for my birthday I never even thought I would lose 1 stone never mind 7. I just feel like food is the only thing I can control in my life right now so Im rebelling, because I can. Which is stupid because I love SW food, I feel better when I eat it and it all tastes so good. Its just control.

I just need to live in the middle of nowhere with my kids and nobody else sticking their oar into MY business. Just feel like everything else is going down the pan. family drama, friend drama, health drama, kid drama- cant handle it.

Silly drama, I never understood why there was so much of it, isn't life supposed to be simple and fun?!
It totally is!
When life throws curveballs anyway why would people CREATE more drama?!
You get one life, why not live it happy and healthy?