extreme heartburn/really hot & tired

big bear

A bear on a mission!
Should I be concerned?

I'm 33wks pregnant & for the last 3 days I've had really really bad heartburn. I've taken gaviscon, drank milk & I've only eaten plain bland food but I've still got it. Its a real burning in my throat that has made me be sick a few times. I've not been having tea/coffee just water.

I've also been extremely hot to the point where I've got sweat on my forehead, back etc.

I'm also really tired but guessed this is more to looking after my 19mth old son.

I never had any of this at all with my son & don't know if it means anything & I should see the mw. For those of u that already have wee ones is this normal???
I have had heartburn like you described this pregnancy....not had it in my first, but a few chewable tabs and I felt better . I would suggest if your still suffering pop to your gp's if nothing is settling it down for you x
Thanks hun, maybe it's a girl lol...feel a wee bit better, I got the tablets rather than the liquid, I think it was that making me sick. I see ur nearing the end...good luck xxx
I used to get terrible heartburn on both of mine and I found that barley sugar sweets were a great help x x
I've suffered with heartburn and acid indigestion on and off for a few years (I blame stress!). My first remedy is usually to cut out spicy and alcohol, but I'm guessing you're on neither of those!

Gaviscon tablets are good (are you taking the white/pink ones? they're the best and taste better than the older/cheaper type), the liquid is very good too, but only if you can cope with the taste. I often find a decaff coffee made with purely hot milk can help, often better than cold milk. Also a glass of just hot water.

Other things to try are mints eg. polos or extra strong mints, or peppermint tea if you can face the taste!

Also, if you can, try having a slice of toast or something, as usually it's because there's an overproduction of acid in your stomach and so if you put some food in there, the acid should attack that and not you. I always find mine comes on when I've not had a morning or afternoon snack. Even a cracker or biscuit should help. Plus don't eat too late in the day else it'll disturb your sleep, especially when you lie on your right (as I've found a few times at 2am!). Also just don't lie down if it's kicking in. When you lie down it's easier for the acid to come up.

Finally, I don't know if you can take either whilst pregnant (best check with your GP or midwife) but either Zantac, which I usually take when I have a bad session (when not pregnant), or Omeprezole (only available on prescription) are stronger and would ease it.

It's certainly not nice and I can completely sympathise with you. I've had a few minor bad sessions with it over the last couple of months.
I am just coming up 32 weeks and I am not getting it to be honest although I have started to get acid reflux in the evenings. Interestingly I drink decaf milky coffee everyday and have heard that can help?

Love Heart sweets work well too for heartburn but try not to et them like they are sweets and just use them as an alternative to rennie/gaviscon etc..

Kat xx
seem to be having it on and off now , random really , can get really bad one day where nothing helps and the next theres nothing .???
never mind not long now :0)
I've discovered gaviscon liquid makes me just want to be sick tried the gaviscon duo action tablets they world brilliantly. I'm heartburn free 4 now.

Thanks girlies x
Remegel chewable tablets work wonders for me, they don't have that horrible chalky texture that other antacids do. Hope you get some relief soon x