Fair, forty but not fat!

You wimp go shorter, lol!!! Just kidding, I love that cut, sexy new hair! x
That's REALLY short... for me. Hair's currently near my waist, so it's going to be a bit of a shocker!
Anyway - it's time... 1 mile nice brisk walk o the hairdressers...

Be pampered. Lose all my hair.

Why am I doing this again?
I went from waist to above my shoulders... and I went blonde to brunette at the same time... get some nuts!!! ;-) lol!!!

Catch you on the other side.

Good luck, you will look fab whatever you decide!!! x
Pic up on Facebook. Love it but it's going to take some getting used to!
Heey Mogg I remember when you joined cc forum wow you have done sooooo well. I bet you feel well chuffed don't ya?
Hi Shanny,

Feeling pretty proud of myself - I really didn't think I would get as far as I have!

Starting up some carefully managed exercise now, so going to have to tinker with the calories a bit. I know it could all go horribly wrong at this stage but beyond thrilled that I can start building up stamina. Going to be a long slow haul but the potential is out there for me to be me again :D

How's it going with you? Was the holiday good?
Aww good to hear chick.. Yep cruise was amazing gained 14 lbs lol oh well

You have had a nice steady loss which is what I need to consider now. X
You'll get rid of that 14lbs in no time. I bet that cruise was so worth it :D

I think my loss may well end up lurching around a bit over the next couple of months or so. Getting some exercise started and moving the calories up to match is going to be interesting (to say the least!) I think there'll be a bit of stalling along the way this time, but if it works it'll be much better in the long run.
You will enjoy the exercising... And see the benefits too.

I love exercising again as I'm so much fitter.. I have 8 lbs left to reach goal and so can't wait.

I may pop back over and carry on ccing, for maintenance.
Do u know how much u will increase your kcals up too?
I'm starting on Graded Exercise - which is a treatment/management technique for ME. I've spent a heck of a lot of time bed-bound for the last few years and even something as simple as sticking the laundry on can knock me out again!

BUT I've been working with the physio for just over 6 months now, we've got it stable (no big crashes and lots of effective rest) and having now shifted 3 stones it's helping! I've managed some tai chi and some walking. While I'm off work next week I'm going to see if I can do 10 mins at a gentle pace on the cross trainer on alternate days (I have a 24 hour reaction time to exertion). If I can manage that without crashing, I can either build up length of time (1-2 mins extra a week!) or intensity - but not both!

If it works, it'll be brilliant. I feel like I'll be getting my life back.

I'm doing as I'm told and upping by 100 cals (which is more than I'll burn off) and as the exercise increases we'll adjust the cals again and again.

Would be lovely to see you back over here again, although you've had loads of success with SW too. Maybe combine the two?
Gosh you have alot going on mogg.. ( I've forgotten your name soz)

Yep take it at a small pace.. I'd say next few months you will be at target weight fit as a fiddle.

Yep I'm going to have a think about CC now all I want to do is lead a healthy eating lifestyle.. So may do both sw and cc together and my fitness together..
Time to move forward now me thinks lol x
Feeling very positive today. I have sexy hair that's still cute and flicky, even after I've slept on it! My hairdresser was stunned by the amount of weight I'd lost (not seen her in over 6 months because she's been on maternity leave) and I felt very flattered and pampered by the time I left her.

AND the pair of small size 16s which I bought by accident and have been lingering at the other side of my bedroom mocking me for about a month... well, I can get them on now AND fasten them! Last time I tried there was a 2 inch gap over my stomach.

I keep looking at the jeans thinking that there is absolutely no way I could possibly fit into those. I don't think my mind's caught up with the way my body is now and I'm having real difficulty in grasping what my size actually is. I just can't get it right at all.

And I have sexy hair.

Life can sometimes be very good :D
Down 1lb so far this week and hoping for 2 by Friday. That'll take me tantalisingly close to the 50lbs gone :D

Had a nice yoghurt and fresh raspberries for breakfast this morning and waiting for the nice woman to turn up with her van to prune the dog. She's a walking rug at the moment (the dog, not the woman!) Once she's done I'll take her for a walk into town and back again (should be starting on the cross trainer, but need to clear the laundry out of the way first!)

Other food planned for the day includes some peri-peri chicken with spinach for lunch and a veggie omelette tonight. Can have a side-salad with that if I fancy one.

I've finished sorting my wardrobe and am gutted to be losing so many clothes. I've got some gorgeous ones I bought last autumn that still have the tags on. Gorgeous purple velvet jacket, knee length Boden skirt... I know I can buy things to replace, but I hate having wasted the money. Will start listing them on eBay today. Hopefully a few successful sales will help take the edge off things :)
Warm weather and a sudden water retention again showing on the scales. Fab!

The new scales have arrived and I was dreading the body fat % measurements. It's bad, but not quite as bad as I was expecting at 39.7%. Given that I've barely been able to do any exercise for years, I think that's pretty decent. I've got a fair bit to lose from there (mid-to high 20s will be brill) but I'm pleasantly surprised that it's under 40%.

Go me :)
Wahoo!!! Go you!!!

So excited for you starting a bit of exercise, I hope it works out and makes you feel good... none of this crashing business please lady!!! x
I'm worried about crashing as well - but I have got a "set-back plan" in case I do! Inevitably it will happen, but a minor crash is ok. A big crash is the thing I'm trying to avoid. I'm starting off very gently and definitely not going to be pushing it for quite some time!