Fair, forty but not fat!

More new scales.. U had new ones in December cuz I got the same ones as u ?

Why new ones ? Well done on your mid week weigh in x
There is no hurry and no pressure coming from this end lady, just make sure you don't put any on yourself! x
The December scales I've had for years. I really like them but had a bit of a panic a couple of weeks back when I suddenly gained 3lbs (water) overnight and couldn't shift it. The GP recommended I get some that measure body fat as well as a reassurance thing - my body fat % should stay the same or drop even if I'm retaining water.

I've bought a set of Omron scales for that. Thankfully they weigh exactly the same as my old scales, so no need to fret about fake gains because of switching scales!
How on earth do the body fat ones work... I can't even comprhend how they would know what percentage of you is made up of what substance... I suck at science, lol!!!
From what I can gather (and I stand ready to be corrected on this) they do it via a tiny electrical pulse. Presumably electricity travels faster through either fat or muscle? There's a little bit of the scales you hold in your hands, and some little metal pads under your feet.

Quite nifty really. I think I'm about to become a body fat % bore ;)
Should also add that you program in your height and age etc before you start! It's tracks BMI and a few things I don't understand as well :D
aaaaahhhhhh I seeeeeeeeee! lol!!!! Very nifty!!! x
Hi Emmaline,

The exercise bit is still very new and I'm having to be very cautious about it. So far so good - but I'm not really pushing anything yet! Hopefully between now and Christmas I'll be able to build it up into something that really does resemble exercise as the rest of the world knows it ;)

It's been a slower week this week in terms of losing weight, but it's TOTM, so... I'm expecting 1lb gone by weigh-in tomorrow. 2lbs if I'm really lucky and shed another 1/2lb overnight!

Hope things are going well with you. Looks like those lbs are coming off very nicely. Well done you :)
Heey Mogg im back reading your diary.. think i will come back to CCing at the end of the month..!!

Low calories like yours to start with.. if i can do CD and have between 400-600 a day lol i can CC on 700-800 what u reckon?

im thinking its going to be trial and error?
I think you will need to build up nice and slowly Shanny so you don't have a big shock gain... Then again the amount you exercise I bet you could increase your cals buy a good few hundred each week until you get to a place where you can maintain. x
I think you will need to build up nice and slowly Shanny so you don't have a big shock gain... Then again the amount you exercise I bet you could increase your cals buy a good few hundred each week until you get to a place where you can maintain. x
so that amount would be ok u reckon for a few weeks then??

i just dont know what to do ..
(Sorry for high jacking your diary moog, lol!!!)

Oh gosh mate I've not even begun to think about maintaining I'm so far away from it!!!

What does CD recommend as an exit plan for their programme? Perhaps you could re-create that in the form of calorie counting? x
(Sorry for high jacking your diary moog, lol!!!)

Oh gosh mate I've not even begun to think about maintaining I'm so far away from it!!!

What does CD recommend as an exit plan for their programme? Perhaps you could re-create that in the form of calorie counting? x
yeah move up to 1000 then 1200 then 1500 calories..

sorry Mogg..x
How long do they reccommend that you stay at each calorie level for? x
I say follow that then lady, CD is extremely well researched, and for very good reason! Trust that they know what they are talking about but re-create with your own calorie counting flair!

I certainly think that slow and steady probably wins the race in this case, so no hurry, take your time, give your body and metabolism time to catch up. x
I think increasing the cals very very gradually should do it. I'm still miles from the point you're at, so I'm going to watch and learn for if/when I eventually get there. Linds sounds right - give your body time to adjust and just keep watching and listening to it.

As for me, it's 1.5lbs down this week - not bad for TOTM. I'll only count 1lb as it gets fiddly when you're dealing with bits of lbs! I've got everything crossed for 2lbs for next week as that'll take me to the magic 50lb mark.