Fair, forty but not fat!

I have 3 kids and a husband who hoover food up like they're starving - there's no problem at all in making it vanish if I need to. Thankfully choc isn't my Achilles' heel - a box can last me months!

It did make me laugh though. I have to be the unluckiest person on the planet. I never win anything. On the one occasion when I actually do - it's choc and I'm trying to lose weight.

:D :D :D
One of the neighbours has just given me a load of rhubarb. I'm looking at lower cal ways of doing crumble. Oats might be a way forward rather than a traditional crumble.

Can't think of what else to do with rhubarb. Anyone got any ideas?
Just done 20 mins on the cross-trainer. Admittedly it was on a very low setting, but it was enough to get my heart rate up to exercise levels and keep it there until the wind-down bit.

Feeling ok at the moment. The crash, if it happens, will be at some point in the next 24 hours. I'm braced. I've burnt 181 calories apparently!

Here's hoping!
Quite a bit of joint pain this morning, but not unbearable. I'm out of bed and moving. This is good :) Let's see what happens now...

Scales haven't budged since yesterday but I have a 0.5% increase in muscle apparently. Wooohooo!

I would imagine that the muscle % will increase reasonably quickly if I can keep up the basic cross trainer use. I've not been able to do ANYTHING for the best part of a decade, so my muscles are sadly very underused! Taking today very gently and just pottering. I'll try another 20 mins tomorrow night on the same setting.

Need to do a bit of shopping today - new bras needed and a new set of kitchen scales (making rhubarb crumble without them yesterday was quite an experience!) and I also need to do a food shop for the week, including some bits and bobs for the street party this Friday.

Weather is gorgeous again. Might snooze in the sunshine for a bit with a nice book too :)
Ended up at Yo! Sushi for lunch and seemed to eat loads. Adding it all up afterwards, it wasn't too bad on the cal front - miso soup (56), sweet chicken salad (181), duck hand roll (167 but without the rice likely to be closer to 100) and some fresh fruit (58) - so roughly 400 all in.

Tried Pineberries this afternoon. Very curious things. Taste like pineapple but with the texture of strawberries. If you want a quick sweetness fix, then they're worth checking out, but I'm not sure I'll be buying them all that often.

Having a very light meal tonight and the calories should all balance out today. Feel chilled and relaxed. Shame there's work in the morning ;)
I like it because it's got quite a few low cal options and I'm fond of Japanese food anyway. It's one of the few places I can eat out at the moment without feeling guilty. Their crayfish salad is only 89 cals (if I remember rightly) and I like the ability to be able to nibble from lots of little dishes.

The menu is online (and there's one with calories attached as well). I'd recommend it from my experiences. Plus the little conveyor belt delivering the food plates is a real cute factor :)
Any sign of a crash or is the cross trainer going to be able to be a perminent feature in the world of moog? x
No crash yesterday :D :D :D Lots of ME joint pain but I kept functioning - which is brill :D So I follow the physio's advice and keep the cross-trainer routine just the same today. Low setting, higher heart rate for 20 mins. Have tomorrow off in case of a crash, then same again on Thursday. Friday off...

If it's ok and I don't crash then I can either increase intensity or length by a couple of mins in one session at the weekend. It's going to be painstakingly slow to build this up, but I'm pleased with how it's gone so far. I'm going to spend the next few weeks (hopefully) nudging it towards 30 mins.

I'm counting no chickens yet. Sunday's session was ok as I wasn't working so could really rest up yesterday. Today and tomorrow I'm at work. Here's hoping for the best :)
Just done my second 20 mins on the cross trainer. Feel quite knackered and wobbly now, so collapsing in a heap for the rest of the evening to try and balance things out a bit. Not sure the settings are completely right for measuring calories as it's come out with 181 again. Wonder where we put the instruction booklet...
Wahoo, go moog!!! I do 10 mins on the cross trainer at the gym and it says I usually burn 130 in 10 mins, so 181 doing 20 mins on low setting could be about right... maybe, lol!!! x
It could well be right. It's a gym spec machine (bought 3 years ago last time I tried to get the health issues under control!) so it's possibly right, especially as you do 130 in 10 mins.

I'm quite enjoying doing it, to be honest. No kids squalling at me, or jobs that need doing. Me and some decent music for 20 mins. Plus I've just eaten 2 mini scotch eggs (70 cals for the pair!) Mmmmm :)
That's why I love the exercise, it's the key to earning naughty food and drink... mmmmmmmmmm!!!
You're leading me astray ;) (Not that I need a lot of help it has to be said!)

It's nice being able to sneak little treats in there, although I'm sure the nutritionist wasn't envisaging me troughing my way through scotch eggs when she said to up my intake when I was exercising... :D

Having said that, I desperately want this weight to keep coming off. Size 14 for late June would be magic.
I would definately recommend eating exercise cals to keep the weight dropping off. I really do think that was what got me into trouble once I hit 15 stone. That and the water. x