Fat Burners!


Hey, have been looking recently at the fat burning pills and am thinking of taking some.

I used to train at the gym and play sport fairly regularly and took Thermobol from Maxi Muscle which seemed to work really well for me.
I am going to start training again soon but just looked at the prices for Thermobol and they are sky high. Was wondering if anyone on here has had any experience with taking fat burners and if so which ones worked/did not work?

Balboa said:
Hey, have been looking recently at the fat burning pills and am thinking of taking some.

I used to train at the gym and play sport fairly regularly and took Thermobol from Maxi Muscle which seemed to work really well for me.
I am going to start training again soon but just looked at the prices for Thermobol and they are sky high. Was wondering if anyone on here has had any experience with taking fat burners and if so which ones worked/did not work?


I've taken various fat burning pills in the past and the sad fact is that it was just a waste of money. The only way for me to lose weight is diet and exercise, nothing more.
Thanks G-Man. Used to take them when I was training regularly and playing sports professionally as a youngster and they worked, meant I got a far better workout and could see the fat coming off. Now however, I think you are right, it's just a case of changing the diet and doing the exercise... There is always that lazy part of you that wants a quick fix!
If your eating properly and weight training you wn't need them, save ur money. I'm not a fan of pills and there is no real proof they work.