Fat Fast


Silver Member
Just looking for information about the Atkins Fat Fast. I did find a great website some time back which listed all the foods you can eat on it but i can't find it? I know you have to eat 1000 calories a day and i think 90% made up of fat...? Looking for ideas.

Want to give the fat fast a go for a few days to try and kick my weight below where i'm at, everytime my weight dips below 14stone 7, i seem to gain a few pounds, then lose, then gain, etc and it's frustrating me, this is exactly what was happening at the end of 2012, and now i've been 100% for 35 days and still can't get past it. Want to try and break through.
I made this comment on someone else's journal recently but... It's not an idea I recommend?

I've done the ff, twice in fact. It works but you do gain a rebound few lbs the second you go back to regular induction and can then stall for a couple of weeks. But the main thing for me is both times I did the ff (a few years ago now) I fell off the diet and didn't get back on for ages, like a year, in one case. So to me it's not worth it.

Atkins only suggests using it if you've stalled completely for a minimum of six weeks, or if you've been eating at induction levels without getting into ketosis. He only recommends doing it for 3-5 days as you get almost no protein or decent nutrition from it.

I'd suggest an alternative option like sticking to meat, eggs and the lowest carb vegetables (mushrooms, spinach etc) for a week. Or cutting out sweeteners. Or simply up your fat intake to 75 percent rather than 60 percent per day while keeping your cals to say, 1500 and your carbs under 20. All these options have been successful for me when I've had a mini-stall, and none gave caused the problems or rebound gain/stall that the ff has. They're also nutritionally a lot less scary.
You've lost a lot of weight (congrats!). Your maintenance calories will have gone down along the way. Before doing a fat fast i'd suggest you use a few online calorie calculators to try and find a rough guesstimate of how many calories you burn daily and then log your food intake to make sure you're eating below this figure.
I started the FAT FAST yesterday after no success from a strict induction at all, this morning I'm down 5 lbs, and that's even with TOM around. I've read that you may gain some back, and I'm prepared for that, it's not about permament weight loss (the FF) it's about forcing your body to stop being resistant to low carbs!