Fatfighter is now a very proud mummy

i think evie is a lovely name :) isobel is our front runner at the mo.

how are the wedding preps coming along?
I love Isobel too :)
Just about sorted, pickin my dress up tomorrow - went for it today but then decided that I wanted more off the bust, the woman doing the alterations is going to hate me lol. I love it though, i don't even feel like me when I put it on :princess:
I think I was just focusing on the scan and now that is out of the way it's hit me that I am actually getting married in 3 days :eek: Afterwards we're just having a couple of nights in the lake district (we're getting married over there) I will post a couple of pics on Wednesday when we get back :)
sounds fabulous :)

my mum drove over 400 miles to come and see me in my altered dress. we got there and she hadn't done any of the alterations. was so angry and upset that mum wouldn't see me in it properly :( ha. still. it all worked out. if only i hadn't put that stone on running up to the wedding... not that i care now, but at the time i was so annoyed!!

abz xx
Wedding sounds lovely as well as a couple relaxing nights in the lake district.

My names so far are Maisie Grace, Emlyn Grace and Evan James for a boy. OH not too keen on any of them, but I've told him I'll be picking the name as I'm the one going through the pain.
I'd have been a hormonal rage machine if that had happened Abz lol. The seamstress has been brilliant, keeping up with my ever expanding belly and chest :rolleyes:
I like those names mini but my brother has monopolised 2 of them (Maisie and James, though he has Macey) for his kids :sigh:
We've been having new windows and doors fitted today and the workmen have just left so now there's the whole house to tidy and furniture to put back :sigh: I can't leave OH to do it all by himself so it'll be another night of SPD agony no doubt :cry:
delegate babes. we're very good at that!! don't hurt yourself. you'll be no good to anyone if you keep getting no sleep!!

i always loved the name daisy but called my cat that. and i'm not sure i can imagine myself with a baby called daisy now, ha.

abz xx
Hi, I just wanted to wish you a very happy wedding day! :)

Also, well done on just gaining 9 lbs by week 19 - I would be exstatic if that were me! What's your secret?
WOOHOOOOOOOOOO hun! Congratulations on the news you're having a girl! So majorly chuffed for you. :D xxx
OH was really good with the clean up last night, I done the kitchen (I get a bit bleach spray happy lol) then he made me sit down and rest while he done all the other rooms, bless him. He ran me a bath last night which was fin til it came to stepping out of it - ouch! So I ended up taking 30mg codeine and 2 paracetamol and actually got 5 hours of unbroken sleep :nightf:
Abz I know what you mean with the name Daisy, I love Izzy but we called the dog that! But it's OK coz she's our furry baby lol.
Thank you Anne, can't believe today is the last day to get things sorted as we're driving over there tomorrow :eek:
As for my secret - constipation ;) LMAO. Means I kinda have to eat lots of fruit and veg and drink lots which fills me up :rolleyes: Bet you wish you hadn't asked :p
Thanks Abbie, I wrote in your diary that I was convinced it was a boy when you said Ethan was. We've bought loads of pink things now so I hope she wasn't hiding anything from us! ;)
Congrats o having a girl. My wee girl was d same when i went 4 a scan n i had to go bak 2 weeks later n she said girl again but i was so nervous when buyin pink. especially when i bought the pram as it has pink in it. so would hav been stuck if she had been a he lol

i see ur getting married in 2 days Congratulations!!!!
Good luck for tomorrow chick!!!
Hope the day is an absolute sucess and you feel as wonderful as im sure you will look!

do your best to remember everything because it flies by so so fast!!

and enjoy the day, that was the mistake i made, i was so busy worrying about everyone else i didnt enjoy it for myself!!

Sending loads of love and luck

Thanks Lauren, the day was absolutely perfect from start to finish, if I could do it all over again I wouldn't change a single thing! :character00100:Bubs kicked all the way through the ceremony and it was lovely feeling like she was part of it too :heartpump:
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you look absolutely stunning honey :D :D what beautiful photies :D

lovely that bubs joined in too :D

abz xx
Aw, you just brought a tear to my eye with that comment about the baby kicking all the way through the ceremony! :) Congratulations, you look absolutely gorgeous!
Aww thanks girls, my cheeks have now stopped hurting from smiling so much so it's all good :D
I had a bad night with my SPD and really struggling to keep my eyes open now, I probably will end up napping this afternoon :rolleyes: I'm back at the physio on Tuesday and I think she's going to try manipulation. I can't say it's very pleasant the way she pushes down on my pubic bone and rocks my hips so not looking forward to anything more intensive :(
I really don't like taking codeine coz wimble doesn't move much when I do so I get paranoid. It's almost impossible to get her heartbeat with the doppler now coz the second we find it she moves!
We booked our 4D scan for March 13th - 5 weeks to go and I'm very excited. Also a bit nervous in case it turns out to be a boy after all lol but I just can't wait to see her again and in so much detail!
will be fabulous hon :) and at least you'll find out if she's not a girl before 'the big day', ha. that's when i'll know :D

abz xx
Can't believe I'm 22 weeks pregnant, I still feel incredibly lucky and I know I owe it all to doing CD :)
I've not been able to do much these past few days, I've been having a really hard time with my SPD, I took codeine before bed on Thursday which masked the pain but I woke when I turned over with the most horrendous pain shooting across my pubic bone, it literally felt like it was separating there and then! Horrible! Since then I've not been able to get properly comfortable and I'm really reluctant to take the codeine in case it masks the pain and I end up pushing myself too far again :( I'm seeing the physio on Tues which I'm not looking forward to as I'm already really uncomfortable :sigh:
We've been getting wimbles nursery sorted though, just need to hang the curtains, (we've got a blackout blind in there too) build her cot and paint the canvasses I've decided we're doing instead of murals:painting: OH doesn't know it yet but it's so that when she's a wee bit older we can make it pretty and girly without having to re-decorate completely :D
I feel like I've eaten everything in sight this week :party0051:but my bump is visibly bigger (thank God it waited to expand til after the wedding!) so thinking that might be why? Or maybe I'm just making excuses for being a pig :ashamed0005: