

Full Member
I'm am starting lipotrim next Monday. I have four kids and work full time and am afraid that I'm gonna be exhausted. Please tell me it's not as bad as I fear

Got going to lie to you the first few days (for most people) are HARD. But once you get into ketosis and into a routine you'll be fine. I even find I have more energy than I did before I started! :)

Everyone will give you the same advice, drink lots of water.

If your head is in the right place it'll be a breeze! The forums are amazing so come on here as often as you need and you'll get all the support you can ever need. Check out the diaries and the inspirational pictures too, they helped me through the hard times x
Hi I have 3 kids the youngest is only 13 weeks like what has been already said if your head is in the right place you will fly through it, am n week 4 having lost 19lb so far and I've started 30day shred yesterday so far so good. Take it easy the first week and after that un will be amazed at he energy levels I just to be in bed for 10 these nights am still at 12/1 o clock and up again 8/9 in morning as well as some times during the night. Good luck in your journey the first week drags but am finding these weeks fly.