Feb starters thread

Carefull with the flavoured water....if you mean the mixers you can get from the cdc then yes they ok but not the shop bought ones.
I'm on ss and was told i could have half a pint of skimmed milk as i do not like anythingelse apart from coffeee and water. xxx
Yea sorry, I meant the CD powder stuff, I've just used up the last of my W8 fruit flavour which I was told I could still use on CD (along with the W8 fruit tea which I hate but have a whole pot of if anyone wants it :D)
I like the green tea, but I do not leave the tea bag in for to long otherwise it gets very bitter. I just can not drink just water all day long in this weather I would spend all day on the loo :sick0019:
I really really don't like water, but I could drink flavoured water till it came out my ears...Must get me a CD flavouring at next WI
I'm on day 2, yesterday felt very tired and had a headache all day but have woken up feeling fine today, i'm working a late shift 4pm to 2am so am holding off having my first pack till lunch so I can have the other two at work.

Struggled yesterday with two of the packs, found the porridge far too sweet for me and only managed to eat half of it and also struggled with the leek and potato soup had about 3/4 of it! I'm hoping I like other soups and the other porridge as I don't want to just do shakes and bars.

The only black tea I like is Redbush with vanilla, does anyone know if this is allowed on SS?

Keep going everyone, you can do it.
Hi everyone, I also started in Feb, on Saturday the 7th of Feb. I hope to lose 2st by the middle of April for my wedding. I'm usually a size 10 but I lost my marbles over the summer and christmas with planning the wedding etc. I was so stressed that I just ate whatever and comfort ate all my childhood faves so I put on loads in a short time! So anyway when I took my head out of the sand and realised that I needed to lose 2st by April, I knew the only way I could do that was doing a VLCD so I did some research and settled on CD. Found a CDC about 5 mins from me, who is just lovely, and away I went!!

I've been finding the diet a lot more doable than I thought. At first I just couldn't imagine living on packs alone for months, sounded like some kind of sordid punishment but so far its been good. I went to my first weigh in on Tuesday, 4 days after starting and I had lost 7lbs! Really happy with that!

Yesterday (day 5) was my hardest day though, I just felt lethargic and headachey all day, it was awful and all we had in the house was sugar coated nurofen so I had to grin and bear it. I didn't really feel like eating anything in particular but I could have killed for an orange or an apple. I'm not a big fruit eater usually but these days I find myself fantasising about them like they were the naughtiest chocciest treat ever lol.

So far my fave packs are;

Plain porridge
Chocolate mint
Choc and banana tetra packs
Spicy tomato soup (the other soups have a strange after taste...)

My next meeting with the CDC is next Tuesday so hopefully another good loss, thanks to this wonderful forum so I can stay motivated through the week!
Well im on day 3 now - still havent got any of the card withdrawal symptoms yet!! How long can it take for these to arrive?
Hi everyone and well done with progress you have made so far. I restarted at the beginning of Feb. I followed LL a couple of years ago and lost 4 stone then put back 2. Messed about a bit with Cambridge last year with really no success but then I had an extremely stressful year last year.

2009 is my year to do it as I am 40 next year and don't want to be fat and 40. I am doing SS+ and went for my second weigh in last night.

My goal for this week is to try and increase my water intake to 3 litres a day.
shelly-day 5

Day 5!

Doing better with water today - was struggling with water and cravings but for some strange reason i have woken today full of energy:8855:

Am gonna' sort out sons' room - toys everywhere then my cd's and dvd's then laundry!

CDC is coming today at 4.30 then she's off on holiday for 3 weeks!
Well, Im on day 4 now.

Still havent got any headaches or diziness. Kind of wanting it to prove somethings happening in my body! Keep stepping on the scales the last few days and theyve not budged either :(
I've got slight headaches but not too hungry so far..I'm on day 4 and today is my first FULL 100% day (yea i know, i know)

I emailed CDC about going onto SS+ (with the meal) and since the email, i haven't actually wanted food - it was kinda a revelation moment where your head finally gets what you're telling it.. Now that the food isn't "forbidden" and CDC knows about it (ie - not a secret eating) I no longer want to snackas I don't feel like I'm being deprived by someone else.

This diet is a CHOICE I made, no one is forcing me to do it. Food is there if I want it, but I don't. I know WHY I want to do this diet now. I think that before I was doing it for the wrong reasons - to be attractive to others being the main one. But people forget, it's our opinion of ourselves that matters way beyond anyone else's opinion. (obviously not including life-threatening weight problems ofc/medical advice etc)
Hi everyone, I am starting CD SS on Monday and I have about 41lbs that I want to shift before my 54th birthday on 1st June. I am a bit worried that I won't be able to do it. It sounds daft but I almost feel scared. I really don't want to fail. I have struggled with my weight for years and also I gave up smoking on 27th November 2008 which hasn't helped the weight problem!!! I really dont want to do what I have done in the past, which is get so fed up with my increasing size that I go back to smoking. So I really want and need to lose this weight. Hopefully you guys will help.
New Starter to CD


I am due to go and see a cdc on tuesday. Cannot wait I have finally made the decision to do something once and for all about my weight have approx 5 and a halfstone to lose. It sounds alot but having looked through this web site having seen so many success stories it has given me a lot of inspiration. I wish I could have seen the cdc sooner. :eek: I have tried all the usual diets lost 2 stone with SW last year but it has all just about crept back on. Took me 4 months to lose 2 stone so really looking forward to CD.
First Weigh In .......................

Hi everyone
Had my first weigh in today and lost 6lbs :8855::8855::8855:
Am so proud have stuck to it 100% and had no sneaky chicken as I sometimes have in the past - Im so so so so so chuffed! glad to see you are all doing well aswell
Well, Im on day 4 now.

Still havent got any headaches or diziness. Kind of wanting it to prove somethings happening in my body! Keep stepping on the scales the last few days and theyve not budged either :(

I am on day 8 now. I lost 12lb in my first week on CD. I only had a headache on day 3 (I think) but it was probably from lack of water the night before. It does work, so keep on going.

The last thing you want to do is weigh yourself so often. Once a week is enough. Don't let the scales put you off. It's also about measurements.
I all just thought would update you.
Lost 13lb so far in 10 days. Had the gut to actually go and treat myself to the Hair cut I have always wanted short...short...short as my face is the first thing to show any weight loss it actually looks good. Before would not have done it would had rather hide under my hair. I mean who wants to see 3 chins lol now I only got 1 1/2 lol.
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I'm back, this was my day one. CDC is lovely. Not seeing her now till next Monday, so nine days. HAve only had two shakes so far today as I only got back from seeing her at twelve! I had a strawberry one and I've had a banana one and I'm pleased to say both were nice and I don't feel hungry. My mouth is horribly dry regardless of the amount of water I drink and I am feeling quite tired.
I've been in Tesco today and I have to say, it wasn't as bad as I anticipated. The smells were drawing me in, but I just zoomed round with the pushchair and left my partner pushing the trolley with the baby hehe! He said he'll go when I'm not with him so it's not too bad.
He's quite supportive, though the comments in Tesco leave something to be desired...."Can you have...?" "Do you want...?" Tit. lol
I'm doing sole source plus anyway but have opted out of having the meal and am having four shakes instead.
Aiming to loose about 4 and a half stone.
Good Luck to you all xxx
Well done mat that was an amazing loss 13lb in a week god I wish I was a man lol Anyway I had my second weigh in yesterday and had lost another 3lb only for more and that will be a stone gone woo hoo. Although I have a cold atm and had a really swollen throat so had to take four medicted honey and lemon lozenges yesterday and from what I've heard they will knock me out of Ketosis I haven't needed to take them today though so should get back in it soon if I am out. Anyway keep up the good work people xxx
Hi Guys!!!

I'm starting on monday and I can't wait. I want to loose roughly a stone and a half in 6 weeks ... my boyfriend coming home from afghanistan and i want to suprise him with a fit bod!!!

I'm a bit worried about my CDC though. He was very unhelpful over the phone and i'm worried he wont provide the support and advice i may need. So i'm going to keep an eye on these threads to get everything i need!!! Who knows ... my CDC might be great!!

Good luck everyone x