Fed up with food

I just walked back along the canal, lovely, fed the geese and swans and even some coots, don't know where the ducks are today, probably out on the river.
Sounds lovely Jim. x
It was nice. Just packing up for the weekend here. :)
Yeah, I know what you mean.
Before I was on this diet I could eat a full english, now I struggle to eat 2 boiled eggs and bacon/sausage for breakfast!
Cinta, I can truthfully say that I never get tired of eating. Not even on Atkins.

I love food. I love Atkins all the more because I can eat on it!

I have to control portion sizes pretty strictly but I do eat well and I enjoy every bite ha ha.
I'm the same Red.
Girly, you are so funny. That made me really LOL. Sounds like you're loving it!
Yes I do love Atkins. I smile when people say things like, 'omg I am so full I just can't eat another bite....' or... 'how do I UP my daily calories? I can't face more food'.

The beauty of it is, they are perfectly serious! Only on Atkins can you get genuine messages like these!
Girly, I noticed on another thread how much you've lost. Amazing! Well done :D