Feel so weird after listening to Glenn Harrold....

It was the first 8 or 9 days I found the toughest Lyn.
I have been quit for 1 Week, 12 hours, 42 minutes and 32 seconds (7 days). I have saved £36.73 by not smoking 150 cigarettes. I have saved 12 hours and 30 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 21/02/2009 14:00

Focus on the good feeling of NOT smoking. :) It helped me look at the positives of not doing it than think about the negatives of not!
Like.. Lets see, stressful situation and I'd be looking for a smoke; but I can't have one, so I'm focusing on my ability to deal with the situation head-on instead of running away from it. In the end the situation resolves itself because I acted on it properly.
Then; the feeling of healthiness, ability to BREATHE is amazing. I never quite realised how restricted my breathing was when I smoked. After I had some the other day after not smoking for a month, it felt like someone tied a rope around my lungs and I couldn't talk, laugh, breathe properly the next few days. Hell, I'm not touching another one EVER no matter how drunk I get.
Then you can also think about the positivity of NOT smelling like an ash tray. Much more pleasant for you, and for others around you! I mean after about a week of not smoking, don't those smokers on the corner smell awful? ;) Focus on that.
Keep going, it's worth it not to smoke, for your future, and for the future of the ones around you. Well done on your progress!
Well done sweetheart. I'm struggling at the moment. Thank god I'm home now. I may give the pub a miss for a couple of weeks,
How's it going for the both of you? I hope you're both feeling better about it and more in control. It DOES get easier and easier!
I always liked the little nicotine monsters in the TV ads. You've got one of those in your heads and you've got to finish him off good and proper!
I'm OK at the moment, but I can't believe that after 56 days I'm still having the odd yearning, mostly when I'm around smokers though!
31 days...go me! Could I pretend thos 6 weeks or so of smoking never happened and say I'm quit 4 yrs and 2 months? :angeldevil:

Edited to add I've had no nico spray for a week either. :D
Good for you Lyn. 72 days for me. I wish i could say I'm totally over it now, but I'm not. I'm still getting the odd urge, tends to sneak up on me when I least expext it.
Well done guys!! We can all do it :D
I think that little urge every once in a while will go away eventually but will take time to pass. It's still early days.
I find that I mostly get the little push whenever I'm bored and have nothing to do with myself. Triggers are different for everyone though. :)

Yesterday I threw out the remaining cigarettes I had and cleaned out the ashtray and put it away! I was keeping them there as a 'choice' quitting type of tactic (since 1st February), I CHOOSE not to smoke rather than I deprive myself of it... This wouldn't work for everyone though. :)

1 month, 3 weeks and 3 days since I quit! :)

Here's to a better future for us guys. *cheer!*
Thats cool Minerva. I definately feel much better not smoking but those six weeks or so I was back on them I made at least 3 attempts to stop so hopefully I've cracked it again. I'm fine as long as I am not around smokers although last time it didn't bother me lol.
Oh my! :argh: That was really an annoying moment! But you can do it.. If you are really willing to stop, you'll stop even without the book.. Ok?! Go! Go! Go! Do all sacrifices that you have to do.. Don't worry, it'll soon payoff.. :bliss:
3 months 2 days and 19 minutes here. I find I have to keep busy though, if I let myself get idle I start wanting a ciggie still. I'm happy though, and my breathing hasn't half improved, I'm up and down the stairs like a kid these days.
You still have a nicotine monster in your brain. I think it hides in the deepest parts and sneaks out when it thinks you're vulnerable. All us ex smokers have one and it surprises me every time. It tries it on when I've been doing LOADS of cooking or something like that..... sit down to have a break and there it is.... why I don't understand after all this time, but now I have no trouble sending it away! It knows it'll get a good thrashing if it doesn't scarper.;)
yes, I agree, once a smoker always a smoker I believe. The good news is that it's happening less and less and to be fair, it's nowhere near as bad as it was initially.
Ah, shame love, are you going to try again Lyn?
Good point love, I couldn't have done both that's for sure.