Extra Easy Feeling no different! :(

How much do you have to loose? That will affect how you & other people see your weight loss. Somoene who's 10 stone overweight won't noitce a 2 stone weight loss as much as someone who is 3stone overweight.

Either way, you will be doing your body so much good by not being as heavy, and long term you will feel better.

I was thinking exactly the same, Nadine.

You haven't got your stats or a tracker on there. Get one up - you'll love it as you get nearer to target. Same with the photos too - keep a diary - you don't have to put it on here as some of us have! but you may care to publish it afterwards?

It took me 36 weeks to get from 17.5st to 11st - it seemed like forever at the time, but in the sceme of things 9 months was nothing!;)

I'd just like to add that the type of clothes you wear probably hide your loss. When you're big - and I mean people in general, rather than you in particular ;) - you hide under baggy clothes, hoping it disguises how big you are. Nobody notices the curves coming out as you lose weight, because they're hidden under your baggy clothes.

As you lose weight and gain confidence you need to go against this instinct to hide and try clothes that skim your curves - I don't mean too tight, as that'll make you look and feel worse.

If you're handy with a needle & thread, experiment by taking in some of your current outfits and you'll see what I mean.

Plus, I have found throughout my journey that my body seems to take a little time to "settle down" and for the loss to become visible. It's almost as if my body has a process of redistributing the weight and I'll suddenly wake up one morning and think how much smaller my waist/hips/wrists look compared to the day before.

Keep going, it will show. I bet it already does.
I don't have a particular goal, I do my goals in stones and I will keep going till I'm happy with myself so it's difficult to say but about another 3 as a rough estimate? I'm going to keep going until I feel happy with my weight and even after that I will keep on track to ensure I don't put it back on and keep up a healthy lifestyle.

Feeling good this week, though. I have been eating loads of salad as I've been soooooo busy working extra, gyming it, Xmas shopping and wrapping I've not had much time to stand and cook. Have walked to the end of the world and back so hopefully I'll get that 5.5 lbs this week :)

I measured myself last week and will do again this thurs (W.I). I'm also thinking of starting up a food diary because it's rare I use a lot of syns and I think I sometimes don't eat enough, so this will help me keep track, hope you've all had an amazing week, lotsa love, nadine x x
Wooow Steve, that's amazing, well done you! I've uploaded my losses onto the sw website which showed me my progress so far, it's amazing to see the line dropping which also predicts an estimate to when you will be at target based on past performace, I think it's a brill tool, also noticed my bmi has dropped considerably :)

Thanks for all the comments, love to you all x x
You're doing fabulously Nadine - keep it up! I've lost over 4 stone (from 13st-9stish) and it's only when I got rid of 3 that people started to really notice. It happened almost overnight but definitely coincided with me buying smaller fitted clothes too - that certainly helped no end. You're going just the right way about things by having a new haircut, new makeup and some new clothes too - that'll build your confidence no end. Go you - you're doing so well!
Lost 4.5lbs today :) didnt quite make my next half stone (1lb to go) but still pleased with my efforts, so just when my day was going good, my car rolls down a slight incline (despite the hand brake being fully on, I might add) hit a telephone pole, huuuuuge dint n scratch below my right light, pleased nobody or thing was harmed apart from my car but bloody hell it's affected my mood. Yet more money to pull out, as if this time of year was not bad enough, I was involved in a serious car crash in november, the week before last my tyre blew out, last week my battery gave up and now this!!! Beyond sick at the moment, money money money, no wonder I'm loosing weight I'm stressed to the high heavens haha! Merry stinking Christmas ey?

Anyhow thank you again for commenting, rant over and a big fat sorry for venting. I have heard it's common the 3 stone Mark is the one where people notice most, oh well, onwards n upwards, 8lbs to go to 3stone :) xx
Well done on your loss!!! I hope your car gets fixed soon!! x
Wow! you are doing amazingly hun well done!!

I know how you feel coz i've lost 2 stone 1.5lbs & (apart from people at my SW group) not one single person has said anything about me losing weight :(

I was actually thinking earlier... it's a pretty depressing thought to realise how fat i must've gotten - when I lose over 2 stone & nobody even notices :( xx
It's the people you see everyday who don't notice, I've noticed, it the people we see every few weeks who are noticing...woah (mind frazzle) hahah. I get lots of comments from extended family members who i don't see all the time but my boyfriend, although supportive, does not see it, probably because we live together which is the frustrating thing perhaps because I want him to notice most.

Looking forward to losing more though despite my bad few weeks! Just have to stay focused because the scales don't lie, although we may not feel different it's coming off! Well done to you all, will keep you posted about the car and other rants/ things I have to share haha, merry Christmas!!!! :D
Gahhhhhh I'm dreading w.I tomorrow!!! I've been good food wise but had a little tipple of wine and champers Xmas day, keeping my fingers and toes crossed that I've not gained since I've managed to resist chocolate n sweet treats, an hour of exercise is needed after work tonight!!! Good luck with your W.I peeps!!! Nadine x x