feeling rubbish


Full Member
i am feeling very down today, i am pregnant but still trying to lose weight as i have health problems

i had a rubbish day yesterday and i ate lots of rubbish and now i am so annoyed with myself

i am feeling like it is not possible to lose while im pregnant and even more so while i am in this mind set , but i do really want to

i feel it is a visious circle im upset because im fat then i eat because im sad then i get fatter

plus i am under a lot of stress with two other children and a full time job , which usually i live but because i am pregnant i am frustrated as i am a riding instructor and am around all horses all day but cannot ride my own... AAARRGGHH not a good day !!

sorry for this pathetic moan lol
poor jazz. i would concentrate on eating healthily and keeping yourself healthy for your baby and weight loss will be a useful byproduct :)

abz xx
i totally agree with abz on this one. and i know what you mean about that horrible cycle of hating yourself for being fat so eating more to make yourself feel better. i think a lot of us have that problem! moan away, that's what we're here for!! chin up :)
AWwww poor jazz i dont really know what to say to try make you feel better but moan away all you like we all have bad days just try to concentrate on giving your baby healthy food by eating it yourself and you shouldnt put on much weight while pregnant and possible you will feel better in yourself take care and try to smile
oh no! dont worry i get these days. try not to stress yourself out it will have an effect on your baby I've heard that the baby can be prone to diabetes when there older if you get stressed. try skipping junkfood altogether and snacks or only have fruit for snacks i lost quite a bit of weight just by eating three meals a day and not over eating.