Feeling the effects of weeks of stress and uncertainty

Blonde Logic

Yes. You can.
Well, as many may know I have been trying to sort a lot of things out, and life has been fairly hectic the last 6 or 8 weeks.

I have done my best not to deal with it with food, and overall have done very well. Ceratinly compared to how I would have coped a year ago.

but, the truth is - it all did get to me and I can feel it now....I have been picking mostly, and 90% of the time picking very healthy choices....just too often.

And there was the odd day or two where I did hit the vending machine.

I know I can attribute it all to stress. It's interesting because sadness, anger, etc., are no longer a problem, but I know now stress is defiantely a trigger.

This shift I have been working is not helping either. I have really struggled with normal meal times....so I am so looking forward to my 9-5s and daily exercise again.

I have gained about 4 pounds only, which is not bad at all. But jut those few pounds have left me feeling icky, and man, it does trigger feelings of "ick, I look so awful!" But I have to laugh, sort of, cause it would have been 40 pounds last year, and then I would have had reason to feel UGH.

I know if I put my head to it I can get rid of them, but am well aware how fragile this whole lifestyle change really is.

And it is the carbs that do it. One carb calls out for another....and soon you think thats allthat can satisfy you.

So, be warned new RTMers - as I was once warned - when carbs are back in your life, they can still be evil beggers.

Two weeks, and I will return to normalcy. I can't wait. its been a long couple of months.

sorry to hear ur having a hard time hunni and sending hugs. xxx

i know what ya mean bout them 4 lbs though cause that was my magic number i gained to, and by god i felt CRAP!! congrats though on recognising old habits ie vending machine and hopefully ull find ways of stopping these!

You'll do it hun

Isn't it amazing how that 4lbs feels so huge - yet the clothes still fit and no-one else would even notice!
It happened to me a few weeks ago - slight over reaction from me.
The dried fruits, apricots, cranberries, nuts, too many bananas and grapes had all crept up and was forgetting to drink much water. Told myself they were "good things", true, but too much.
It's off now. I've made my rule of no snacking between breakfast and lunch time because I know I need to graze/pick in the evenings.
See you soon. xxx
Thanks Catz....I know I will. It was what was needed at the time, and I have learned on RTM to always think about what I am doing first and decide if I want to face the consequence of my actions. If I decide to have something I know there will be consequences, and that I then need to address them now, not later - i.e. harder workout/exercise, cut back for a few days, etc. So I decide - do I want to face that hassle, or not. In this case, I did. lol

SO now I am. :)

Thanks hon!

Isn't it amazing how that 4lbs feels so huge - yet the clothes still fit and no-one else would even notice!
It happened to me a few weeks ago - slight over reaction from me.
The dried fruits, apricots, cranberries, nuts, too many bananas and grapes had all crept up and was forgetting to drink much water. Told myself they were "good things", true, but too much.
It's off now. I've made my rule of no snacking between breakfast and lunch time because I know I need to graze/pick in the evenings.
See you soon. xxx

Thats it exactly SB. All pretty healthy choices - just too often.

Thats a good rule about nothing in the morning, "banking" it for evening, as thats the time I get bored or restless when things are getting on top of me. Will remember that! :)

THank you.


You know what though? This is not a fragile lifestyle you're leading. Because that wpould imply that you could just fall and fall and fall. But YOU won't because of how quickly you id the issues, and how hard you work to correct them.

I'd argue that you're actually in the strongest position you've ever been and are further from gaining significant weight than you've ever been.
Oh you are absolutely right Andy.

There is no way I am frightened by what has happened, as I know I am never going to go back to the bad habits I used to have. I know this, without a doubt. I am slightly annoyed if I have to put an emotional label on it, but there is no fear or worrie I am returning to the old ways, as I know in my heart and soul, that part of my life is behind me.

I just found it interesting to identify the worst of my emotional triggers. For years I believed sadness/loneliness and grief were my biggest triggers....but I have now realised, yes - they are triggers, but they are my controllable triggers. I still feel a lot of sadness at times, and lonelieness for my family, I still grieve quietly for my dad and after 16 years I think it is safe to say I probably always will...but during these times since completeing LL, I have not felt the need to eat...in fact the thought of eating at those times make me giggle inthe moment because I can clearly see "what good would that do anyway??" So I have managed them effortlessly.

But lo and behold - I now know, stress is the one that makes me say "stuff it - I will deal with it later". Its apparently the loudest emoition that can affect my jusdgement. Good to know!

Thanks peeps!!
