Fell off the wagon


I was so hungry with the cold weather I decided to AAM on Sat, but once I ate something I was not able to control myself and pigged out for two days. My stomach is bloated and I gained 2 pounds. This was the first attempt to AAM in 15 weeks. Im back on straight and narrow today, but Im scared now when i do reach goal (another 30 pound to go, with 75 lost) that I will not be able to manage and let it all slip back on. So annoyed at myself.
noble8065 said:
I was so hungry with the cold weather I decided to AAM on Sat, but once I ate something I was not able to control myself and pigged out for two days. My stomach is bloated and I gained 2 pounds. This was the first attempt to AAM in 15 weeks. Im back on straight and narrow today, but Im scared now when i do reach goal (another 30 pound to go, with 75 lost) that I will not be able to manage and let it all slip back on. So annoyed at myself.

It's all a learning curve rake some time to work out why it happened and what you can do differently to stop it
Well done on getting back on it though :)
Well done for getting back onto it though, expecially after you've been doing so well and have lost so much.
I worry about that too (how to manage the eating once i get to target).
I guess i'll just have to cross that bridge when i come to it and hopefully i'll manage fine. :)
Firstly congratulations on making it this far - your weight loss is amazing so you have proved you CAN do it and control yourself. Don't beat yourself up, allow yourself this slip up and move on. How about trying to think about what your triggers will be when you reintroduce food full-time and what you can do differently to avoid binging. Keep strong x
You are so like me!! Don't beat yourself up about it, it has happened and now you are back on it. At least you are trying again and it is only a little blip in the journey. Keep strong :)