Finish what we started, Pic n mix!!! Daniel made me do it!!!

Morning Lavender...

Gosh its tough aint it? I missed a trip to see casino royale last sunday with my son and hub..i made all kinds of excuses like i had stuff to do for school..i had a big pile of ironing..i had a headache...the truth was i had to avoid the food...a cinema trip for us becomes a pigging out session...i didnt want to ruin it for them by feeling deprived so just didnt go...thinking about it thats quite sad and doesnt give much hope for my will power does it! ARGGHHHH!!!!

Scales are moving slowly for me, even had some spurts of NONE starters...11st 4 now and like you Im determined to get into 10s..preferably 10st7 and STAY in the 10s....surely we can do this for christmas?

Be thinking about you....wishing you strength!


Thanks sweetie,
I am going to take a bar with me I think and sit as afr away from the popcorn as possible!!!

havent weighed this morning as had ahd huge mug of coffee before I remembered and that would have freaked me out!!! How sad are we???
just need to get through these 2 difficult days and out the otherside and then I will be free wheeling again!!!
I find the weekends like a really tough crawel up a steep hill!!!
Hi ladies

I'm massively struggling with restarting. Had a choccy sachet this morning and then couldn't resist salami and nuts while out over lunchtime. God, I'm so pissed off iwth myself.

I can't stick to the diet on my own time or on work time. I'm just out of control. Sigh.

Hi girls....hope the popcorn nightmare turned into a 'self control' dream lavender...youre right..weekends are tough!

Caron...I've been clinging onto my restart for almost 4 weeks and lost 15lbs...slowly but surely HOWEVER tomorrow is a 'planned' eating event where i intend to enjoy without being too silly...I have become complacent today knowing that I'll be eating tomorrow and out of K anyway...had 2 LL bars today and 2 Shapers nougat bars...feel totally sick...not hungry just been munching cos i think i can get away with it! Its this cycle Im so so worried about...........NEED TO STAY IN CONTROL OF FOOD NOT VICE VERSA!

Hoping to get back on Monday after tomorrows eat and get weigh in on Thursday instead of tuesday...hopefully be back in K by then.................last stone mission is on....and o9n and on!

Good luck ladies....x:)
^ hiya hiedi, i am very pleased to hear you had a good day,
Yeah looks like me and you are left. I had a good day today and yesterday. Yesterday I had 5-6 Cashew nuts but no other cheating.
Today I am having a very good, couple of crisps but this tiny bit of picking gets me going somehow( i know its freaky) lol.
anyway, so yeah I know exactly how i wana look so I have to work to achieve that look. So No messing about untill I really get what I want this time. Its so easy, duno why I wasted so much time in summer on restarts and never got down to it.
R u on msn?
Olijames and e.
Join the club girls...let me say something, if I can restart...anyone can...
i mean i had about 10s of restarts which didnt go past lunch hour. now every night i plan the following day. so I know tomorrow i,ll be testing my control limit. and these kind of goals i set to myself.
keep it strong, its not for very long, and dream of the look you want to achive.
Well What are we like??? ( said in a catherine tate voice!!!)

well I know what I am like !!!! PICK and MIX seduced me I'm afraid but do you know what , It was bloody lovely and I really enjoyed it and I do NOT feel in the least bit guilty about it!!! Slim people go to the cinema and have a pig out and I AM a slim person( ok, yes I do want to be a bit slimmer and stilll intend to be) and I CAN go out and have the odd treat and to me, a bag of crapy fat and sugar with a few additives thrown in at a price more exspensive than gold per gram, is a treat!! well I've said it now , there!!!
Anyway, I am back to the grindstone today and will carry on carrying on wherever that leads me!!!
I am really hoping my D/H will build my cross trainer today as I feel a need to exercise, my butt is so saggy now and I would love to tone it if possible!!!

S 786,
sorry am bit of a numpty when it comes to msn, my boys all use it but I dont really understand what you need to do to get on it!!

you sounds as though your in the same boat as the rest of us, but dont give up, we all have small succeses and these will add up to results if you keep at it.
Why not plan to have your salami and nuts in a measured way instead of a pack or bar, I bet when you come to have them then they wont seem so attractive to you. Maybe have a small eve snack of them or if you really want to be in ketosis , bin them and dont buy anymore!! Good luck.

The film Casion Royal was fantastic, really good stunts and Daniel Craig although hes not the lovely sean connery ( my dream bond!!) was a very convincing Bond, has a yummy body that I could seriously include on my lust list, although for those of you of you who have seen it, I do now worry about his "performance" capabilities?????
Anyway blame him for thr pic n mix!!!!
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I have been thinking I was on my last stone , but I have maybe put on 1/2stone messing around, I want to finsh what I started.
so I am back on 100% as of today.
why is it so hard in the end?
Answers on a post card please?????
Morning Lavender...

Gosh its tough aint it? I missed a trip to see casino royale last sunday with my son and hub..i made all kinds of excuses like i had stuff to do for school..i had a big pile of ironing..i had a headache...the truth was i had to avoid the food...a cinema trip for us becomes a pigging out session...i didnt want to ruin it for them by feeling deprived so just didnt go...thinking about it thats quite sad and doesnt give much hope for my will power does it! ARGGHHHH!!!!


Glad we're not the family who seem to view a cinema trip as code for huge binge:eek:

Well done you on avoiding the situation.
same story here girls...I put on half a stone messing with the last one...I am being good but cant help picking, glad picking dont get to the point of binging though. Today i had a fried drumstick ewww,,, feel sick now...
But yeah nothing huge, so I gota get rid of stone and half before I can let mr charming lay his hands on me lol
Keep the postcards comming people.
You know that Mr charming wont notice at all dont you??????!!! Men just dont notice, I can understand how you feel though but dont let that stop you, just think all the "exercise" you have will soon see the lbs falling off!!! Double bonus!!!
Heidi^ he is literalllly dieng to see me and lol....but i am soo not confident in my body...honestly....everyone tell me i look great but ohh,you have email id? I,ll send you my pics lol...
I had a good day, I now plan to have few nibbles a day else i cant get through the day..Glad it was chicken though...
Oh I so wana slim down....