First Slimming World Group Meeting Tonight


New Member
Hi All,

So I am attending my first group meeting tonight and just wondering what I can expect? Am I going to be expected to get up and introduce myself in front of every body, this is my idea of hell and im really nervous about it.

Any advice would be really appreciated.

No, we didn't have to do that, I would never have gone back!

I think every week after weigh in, if you stick around they go round the class and say what you lost or gained, then you can talk a bit about your week, any recipes you learned, exercise done, that sort of thing, but if you don't want to talk at all just say to the consultant when you arrive and they should skip you out. Some people like staying after they weigh but I think it depends on your group and consultant - at my old class a lot of people left as soon as they weighed.

I decided to do it from home this time around, but I'm still on the old books from 2014 but there is loads of info on here to keep me right.

I'm sure you will enjoy the diet, but the classes seem to be a bit hit and miss. All I miss are the HiFi bars they sell there, so yummy! Enjoy.

I've just realised the time, you're probably already away to your class, but I've typed all this out now so might as well post...
Thank you so much for your reply lougalx. I had a great time at the group, they were extremely friendly and welcoming and very motivating. I am already looking forward to next weeks group!
Ah brilliant, it's great when you get a nice group. Good luck with your first week!