First week weigh in at Day 9 and still hungry!!!

ah yes, Im kind of worried getting to that stage, because of my BMI I can't go on it until its 40 or under :/ hopefully weight will fall off me when I get to that time and won't care lol. wow at last loss, how long did it take you? have you regained it all since then?

ah yes, Im kind of worried getting to that stage, because of my BMI I can't go on it until its 40 or under :/ hopefully weight will fall off me when I get to that time and won't care lol. wow at last loss, how long did it take you? have you regained it all since then?


I lost 6.405 stone in 6 months and have regained hence being back but it works when you stick to it, it's my own fault for going back to my old ways. I am very conscious of the steps this time & will use them properly x