Step 1 Sole Source + First weigh in last Friday


First weigh in on Friday which was day 5, next week will be a full week.

Me: 11lbs
Girlfriend: 5lbs

She's a bit miffed at *only* 5lbs but I keep telling her that's good especially for only 5 days.
That is super good, some people only get 1lb depending on the diet they are on. There are loads of factors that can play a part. Its hard not to compare ourselves to others. Remembering that men need more calories in the first place, you will be taking on even less. I'm assuming your male, because your name sounds like it could be lol

I hope I can loose as much as 5lb on my first weigh in this friday. My goal is 4 so anything over 4 and I will be really happy.
Brilliant loss for both of you :)