Food addict seeing her cambridge counsellor tom

Oh triplewhopper, I wish I had the willpower and determination to do SS and get rid of the 23lbs that I need to. I'm can't take the negative feelings that comes without food. I feel like I'm going insane when the negative feelings come...and I have to get rid of them. SO far, my only coping mechanism is food. I admit it. I'm not strong enough to fit my demons mentally only.

So I've been allowing myself to eat, but trying my best to eat less, and stick to healthier options...

I ate more than the plan today as expected.
extras exceeding the plan:
BreakFast:1/2 cup of melon, followed by 2 fist full of baked soya nuts, 1/2 cup of LF cold chocolate, nibble of yoghurt bar, and 1/6 of another cambridge bar.
tea: 2 fist full choc granola, 1/3 cambridge bar
supper:1 fistfull baked soya beans, 1/2 cup LF cold chocolate, 2 fist full granola, 1/3 cambridge bar

SO total exceeding today:
1/2 cup melon
3 fistfull soya beans
1 cup cold choc milk
1 cambridge bar
1 nibble yoghurt bar
4 fistfull choc granola

I walked quite alot hopefully that helped burn away some calories.

I must not let my MIL's words get me down.

You can do it Rachellee.
had my weigh in today:
week 1 -1 Ib. =)

so, 22 lbs to go.

Told my consultant what I was eating and she was very surprised. 'Not much of a diet' she said. "which explains the very slow weight loss'.

We discussed my eating. She did say that I was not really following the CD per se, but as I am happy with my very gradual weight loss and and eating regularly and nutritiously; she is happy with work with me on this very slow and gradual weight loss eating.

She did advise me to cut back on the fruits ( I've been guzzling them!) and the chocolate milk ( inhaling them!)

SO, I 'm basically on a foundation of 2 CD products and day with a normal meal and some healthy snacks...probably totally 1500 cals I think. I try to work off some of the calories by doing a brisk walk daily if possible.

ps: moderators, if you could, can you please move this thread to the diary section of the cambridge diet? I think this thread is beginning much like a journal for me! =)

I feel like eating now. Not hungry but just in a munchy mood. Come on Rachellee, don't succumb. You are fully aware that you have had your share of calories and nutrients for the day. Don't let your negative emotions overtake you....just remember how horrible you will feel whenever you overeat or binge.

If you keep to your healthy eating plan, you will be able to do all the things that you always wanted to do and be:
slim and pretty
jog and swim
healthy and strong and fit
fit into your wedding dress right
prove your MIL wrong

Breathe girl. breathe. you did well this week already. 1 lb off. it's a slow but good start! don't rewind it!!

I can do it. I can
to tell you the truth. ss is the easiest thing to do as it completely removes the food aspect. you do not have to think of food as there simply isn't any. it is hard as you are hungry for a few days but again, as a fellow food addict, you must get a grip. i put things in boxes. things that do not belong to me and can't eat. that is how is survive on ss. i've a fridge and cupboard full of temptations and treats and none of it technically belongs to me and therefore i am not allowed to eat it. i still get out of control over food and wine and have crawled back again to get off what i've put on but i've also had mega stress in my life since september and i think my running kept my food in check. now i've cut down on my running miles it is creeping on as i have become used to eating what i had been during training.

with the support of your fiance or not i would recommend ss. or even 810. if he's not around during the day and you could get away with just 1 meal of a night then i would do it. the minute you are in fat burning ketosis your hungry is cut if not gone.
great things, congrats on your weight loss and reaching your goal weight!! wow.

Thanks so much for the suggestion. I am so impressed with how you managed to deal with your dependence on food. I wish I had your determination. I am so scared of the 'pain' so scared.

and boy can you run!! =)
made it through today. =)
lunch and dinner outing tom....hope I can survive it and not binge.

positive though girl. Don't give in to bad feelings and your MIL.
it is easier as you do not have to touch food. food is the 'problem area' once you eat you want more. i've removed it again and am trying to sort myself out again. i find running stressfree and love it. it also helps me keep some sort of control over my food as i can gauge how many cals i've burnt. usually it's just over 100 cals a mile. i remember my training though and my sat nav watch told me during my half marathon, 13.1 miles i burnt almost 1700 cals. i think i ate them for sure afterwards though. :D

a lot of people get comments on here about their diet when they do the ss, liquid only part but at the end of the day it's your life and not your MIL to be or fiance. you must choose what you need to do for you to be successful. i found that the very first time i did ss i felt very upset at my CDC for suggesting it, resentful. i wanted to do a higher plan but she said no that ss was the quickest. i did find it the best plan and even found that my time away from food made me more aware of what i ate and made me appreciate food more.