Food Addicts Not Anonymous

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Hi Fern,
I too pretend to be in control of my eating but an not either.
How do we fix it???? good question?? :confused:I have spent years in therapy and I still emotionally eat. I don't want to feel the pain so i stuff it down. For me i feel it is about really accepting this is what i do and by being more aware i can try and control it. Hoping that i can realise that the pain will not kill me and it will pass.I can bare it now as i couldn't as a kid. It makes me so angry sometimes that i am still dealing with childhood issues when i am now in my 60's!!!! That makes me eat too.
BUT i will not let" them" beat me and i will succeed on this plan. More so when i get back to the UK and can buy the "proper"foods.
Maybe we can help each other by sharing the emotions that make us eat?
Any other sugestions??
Fern and Deryn- welcome and well done on the declaration!

I don't think any of us on here have the answer (otherwise we would be millionaires!) but I personally always found it helpful just to know others were like me.

Out of interest, when we all chatted about this a while ago a thing we all noticed we had in common was that we were proper perfectionists in other parts of our lives- really controlling about either cleaning or organising and basically taking on a lot of responsibility for making things perfect all the time---- and then going off the rails occasionally with food. I just wondered if this also appied to any of the new posters?

Welcome and thanks for sharing

Thanks for the welcome CP. No i am not a cleaning freak, the opposite in fact, not my favorite hobby at all. But i am very well organised, except around food hhahaha. I do have a tendency to take on responsibility for things that i do not need to do, still learning not to and am getting better at it.
You know what? both you CP, and Fern have been my inspiration so far on this weight loss journey and it really helps to know you're both are food addicts too. Thank you both xx
I love this thread........thank you. It almost makes me feel normal !!

The only way in which I am a perfectionist is in keeping my promises. If I let anyone down it is because a third party also involved in the promise has let me down. Now that really ticks me off, apart from that I am quite laid back..... a true Libran who loves balance and harmony in my life.

I do believe, really believe very strongly that what we give out we get back. It is called the law of attraction. So if you think bad or negative thoughts this is what you are attracting in your life. I used to tell myself I could not lose weight...........and I didn't. Now I tell myself everyday that I will reach my goal weight. I am fast heading there.

One thing I have learnt in my long (67) and varied life is that the past has gone, the future is yet to happen and today is a present, so grab it with both hands, let go of the past, forget what might happen and concentrate on now, this minute.

Try it it might help and you have nothing to lose except hangups and inhibitions,

It does not hurt me now to say I am Sue and I am a food addict !!

You are already part way here because you are taking part in this thread.

Sue xxx
Sue- I am completely with you on the positivity. We have to truly believe we can do this- so many people moan and make excuses (and I know we are all occasionally guilty of this) and then are upset that they don't succeed- we MUST be positive and celebrate our achievements and work positively and fiercely towards goal. It was lethargy that got me fat (that and all the cakes- lol)

Deryn- I am overwhelmed to be someone's inspiration. You make me very, very proud considering I am so flawed regarding food. I guess if we found it easy we wouldn't be here in the first place. I truly belive that any success I have had is the result of my acceptance that I will NEVER be cured of my food addiction and therefore nothing is a quick fix and that this is just my life now- 95% of the time I am in control and a lot happier around food but still 5% of the time I allow it to win- but I like those odds!!!!!

Oh how good to meet someone else who believes in the power of positive thinking.

I have gone through breast cancer, all the ongoing awful chemo, rads etc, 5 years of experimental trials treatments and my positivity never once left me. We are all different and deal with things differently but this is the way for me. My oncologist and every medical person I met on my journey through today's plague told me that my positive attitude was 50% of the cure. I never once believed I would die. I just thought well that is one more thing I have done and "BOY, I AINT DOING THAT AGAIN ".

This might sound high handed or even stupid to some, but, as I said we are all different and deal with things in the way that suits us best and this is what suits me.

I have applied this way of thinking now to my dieting. I don't even look at it as dieting, it is the way I choose to eat. Tonight we are out to dinner to celebrate DH's birthday and I know that without doubt I will automatically choose the things I can eat. I am not a saint, I really am a food addict but now I am addicted to different how many pears and bananas do I have left !! lol !!!

Sue xx
WOW- that is truly inspiring! You are living proof that the power of positive thought, and determination to succeed are behind most great things that happen.

My Mum has always 'enjoyed' negativity- she has allowed it to dominate her life and affect her health, weight and relationships. I always saw that she had the capacity to make a success of so much but lost it all due to her love of wallowing in self-pity. Sadly my sister is now going the same way and in a way I kind of use this as the kick up the bum I need every now and then- whenever I feel a weak moment and start feeling sorry for myself I use my family as a reminder of what happens when you allow yourself to feel sorry for yourself. I always think "what would my family do?" and make sure I don't fall into the same trap...........I think now I will also think "what would Sue do?" and follow your guidance!!!!!

Only we can do this and there are no excuses! It is hard, and there are many trials, but we can all proove that these trials and bad moments are NOTHING when compared to the joy that comes from success.

Very glad to meet you Sue, you are heroic

I've just read through this thread with the tears streaming - thinking 'thats me' - I'm a food addict too, and I'd love to join you.

Today has been a nightmare day, a real struggle, a wake up moment of sorts, and call it karma if you like but reading this thread, today, has made me realise a lot which I already knew.

Food is my life. I love it and do all the things mentioned before, the growing, shopping, preparing, cooking of it; the tv programmes, cookbooks, articles in magazines etc; the new products, the tastes the textures - I love it all. Thats why I chose SW too - I'm (very) slowly learning how to adapt and *think* my way through recipes and food. Banishing one of my greatest pleasures through a tortuous diet has not helped me before.

I too am a Libran, and always do as I say I will, hate letting others down! Except I let myself down with my eating, which has been out of control over so many occasions in my adult life that it makes me ashamed to admit.

I totally agree with positivity, although at times I really do fail on that front too. I get overwhelmed very easily and retreat into myself! I know I can do this. I know I am worth this. I believe in looking forward, setting targets, going for it. It being not just the weightloss, but the new way to be, and accept myself.

You all are inspirational and of great comfort to read your messages of support to one another in my personal dark moment of today. So thank you, and for posting this thread so I could find it!

Much love and best wishes to you all xx
Cupcake- we are all with you on your bad day, because I know we have all been there ourselves

Sometimes there is just no reason for it- crap days can't be anticipated or planned for- we just have to learn to cope with them as best as possible. We will not always behave how we like around food and occasionally emotion will overrule logic- but you (we) just have to learn how to dust ourselves off and carry on with the battle head-on.

It isn't the 'odd' bad day that got us here- it was allowing those bad days to dominate our life. A love of food is not a bad or destructive thing- it is perfectly natural because FOOD IS ACE. It is only our mental issues that are destructive- and that is where your friends and support on minimins come in!!!!!

..........and besides I have a theory that has yet to be disproved: people who love food are very good in bed! Anyone who can take such pleasure in something which is so pleasurable has got to be the kind of person that likes ALL pleasurable things (fussy eaters are very unattractive to me!)

..........and besides I have a theory that has yet to be disproved: people who love food are very good in bed! Anyone who can take such pleasure in something which is so pleasurable has got to be the kind of person that likes ALL pleasurable things (fussy eaters are very unattractive to me!)

hehehe soooooo agree with that one CP
I'm kellie and I am a food addict.
I know I said it before , but it helps to keep syaing it. i had a food diary that I wrote in every day, starting with those words. Then I thought I was sorted and stopped. Its time to get writing again.

Fern I am standing with you, and I am glad you shared. Being addicted to food is not the same as simply being overweight, and I think we need to break that connection. Its about losing control I think. I don't know about you but when I do it, there's somehting rebelious inside of me, there's a little voice saying I can eat this adn I will, and I know its bad but I dont care.

I'm struggling with the perfectionist idea . I once was, but not anymore, although some ppl think that I am. Is it possible to feel you cannot get somehting perfect so that you don't even try in case you fail?
C.princess- I am brilliant in bed :8855:
Filly- have you read "the secret"?

I keep thinking on that article in runners world- basically says that concentrating on obesity is pointless, focus instead on exercise, and then at least you will be fit and healthy (I run regularly and did 20 k even though I am obese). I need to reprogramme my thinking to stop obsessing about food. But regardless of ur take on exercise, I do feel that concentrating on being fat is not the solution. Its the feeligns underneath. I think fat ppl are usually experts in diet and nutrition. Its the stuff in the mind that is the proble, the thoguths and feelings.
I'm loving filly and cupcake's take on making it work whilst still loving food- I like that.I need to do that more.

I'm going for a run now folks - thank you for the therapy!;)
My name is Sue (filly to my friends, you are my friends, yes) and I am a food addict.

First of all, not one of us even with the best will in the world can be 100% anything all the time. So that is one " beating oneself up " out of the way and secondly we are all what we are. Hope that makes sense.

Thank you c.princess for the kind words I blushed at such high praise.

Kellie, yes I have read The Secret and also have the film. The book is my bible and turned my life around. I now know anything is possible.

Good in bed ??? Hmmmmmm, I am blushing again...... how did you know lol !!!:8855:

love to all you food addicts,

filly xx
Hi Kristin, thanks for bringing this thread to the top again. It is such a useful thread. It reads, chapter and verse like the lives of so many of us.

My name is Sue and I am a food addict.

I am so glad to report that I am doing o.k. too. My eating habits have changed totally. I no longer crave any of the baddy foods I ate before.

It is a case of mind over matter. My preferred sweetie snack now is a chopped pear with yogurt.......delicious. I no longer have any cravings for sweets, cakes, chocolate, none of the really fattening foods. There is always an alternative. Now, I prefer the alternatives.

This probably sounds so holier than thou. It is not meant to be. It is just a part of my general character. Thanks to SW and more to this site and threads like this, I have let my natural self take over my life again.

There is nothing to be ashamed in having a food problem we all have the ability to address the problem and turn it around. The road there is often rocky and strewn with obstacles..............just tell yourself you can do it and you will.

Here endeth the lesson lol !!!!
very intresting reading thank you
to all those woman that worry about what other people think of them please don't what other people think of you doesn't matter people who truely love you love you for you.
paul mckenna is great and simplar to this he teaches you to eat only when you are hungry think about food when you are eating it and stop when you are full.
I think maybe everytime we decide we want something we should ask our selves why do we want this item of food why won't something else do and can we do something else instead.
saying all that I'm a food addict I eat as a reward sat are the worst cause its my weigh day I reward myself for being good all week (even if i'm not). sat I bascially eat everything I think I want and I can't say I enjoy it but the thought of breaking that habit still scares me cause some part of me things I enjoy it but I don't.
Just wondering if there's a way to change the name of this post..... It's a bit of a mouthful, and doesn't really tell you what we're talking about!

Any thoughts?

Kristin, I agree - a name change would be good, and perhaps a sticky as so many of us face these issues daily? xx
The trick is to remind ourselves that we already ARE healthier, slimmer, happier, not addicted, stronger, able to cope.... when the bad days/hours/moments happen. Everybody else sees it and tells us so, let's believe it and live by it. Now.

Sunny happy weekend thoughts,

That is just so right. Not always easy to do but after doing it once or twice it becomes the norm.

I agree with wanting this thread to be a Sticky and how about your own words for the name " three cheers for addicts "

Cleashy !!! I agree with you that there are people who make you feel they are judging you by how heavy you are regardless of your ability. These people are really sad, narrow minded people who do not have the gumption to see beyond what society has told them is acceptable.
It is incomprehensible and cruel.
Stick with your diet, but, do not do it for them do it for you.
The words of encouragement here are all true, all the experiences of folks in the same situations.
Good luck and........ go for it girl !!
So, who do we ask for "Sticky Status"? :)

(says she, drinking syn-free wine...... I close my eyes every time I take a sip!!! :-D )


( Where has our lovely laughing man gone ??)

I think one of the moderators has to so it for us........ not about starting a new thread entitled Sticky Status please.....
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