Food for thought

Hi skinny cow, I agree with what you mean, I too fully intend to eat much more healthily when I reach maintenance(I did a VLCD five years ago didnt do maintenance and piled it all back on) But I will still allow myself the odd day when in moderation I will eat what I like. I cant imagine life without never having another bacon buttie I'm afraid!! But I will just have to limit it. Everything in moderation will be my new motto!
Hi Poppa,

Thanks for reply, it is a learning curb for us all and we do have to re educate ourselves. I know exactly what i should eat and what i should not eat, i have had enough practice.

i am hoping when i actually get to goal that i will be too frightened to put the weight back on. I think when you lose weight with other diets you get fed up with losing 1/2lb here, there and everywhere and it seems to take forever, so what do you do? revert back to your old ways.

This diet, i hope, will give me a fresh start at life.
My penny's worth...

I too lost a significant amount of weight before - through "happyness" and "contentment" in my relationship - I gave up exercise and opted for yummy nights in or good food out!

There are two lesson to be learnt once at or near your goal (IMHO):

1. Keep getting weighed. Weekly, fortnightly or monthly. I can guarantee if you have worked so hard to shift 5 stone, when you see 7lbs on - you will try that extra hard to reduce your intake and get back on track. If you don't weigh yourself the weight WILL creep up and lossing 3lbs is harded than just the 7lbs etc etc.

2. Yes, Just because we get to goal it does not immune us against putting the weight back on. BUT, the reality is that 90% of the time we will have the opportunity to make a healthy choice for our meals. HOWEVER, there will always be meals out, weddings, Xmas Parties etc etc where you have got to face that you will no doubt have a 3 course meal and the options will not be chiken and broccoli. Recognise what is "naughty" and understand that these are not forbidden for ever and ever - they are simply treats that need to be moderated.

Okay - more than a penny's worth !!

Have a good day everyone.

it is a curry for me

but surprisingly I am also really looking forward to fruit, how weird is that!
*nodding* ..I agree with you all. To be honest, you haven't said anything differently to what I said. I just wanted to raise the subject and make it aware to people who never really thought about it like that. Trust me, when I'm done I too will be endulging in the odd sunday meal at my mum's (west indian food..and I'm having desert too. lol). But, it's a known fact that a lot of people don't think so much about what they're going to change and so end up gaining the weight again.

Well said @ slimmingnix must continue to get weighed afterward. Weekly or fortnightly.

I wish everyone the best and by the way, I'm looking forward to having cashew nuts, toast and rice. Boring I know, but I love rice. I will just have to use portion control. So, two tbsp's opposed to half a plate. tut! :p
I think you can't avoid foods you love forever, A little of what you fancy does you good. I think we probably all have to learn portion control ( Or we wouldn't be on CD in the 1st place). We can still look forward to a treat or 2!!

I'm scared stiff of putting on weight again once I've got through the stage of losing it but I think if we realise that if we go back to how we ate before then we WILL put weight back on. Something has to change. Like Skinny Cow I plan on joining WW when I'm finished to try and maintain - After I've had my chicken Curry and Naan Bread!! ;)
I think you can't avoid foods you love forever, A little of what you fancy does you good. I think we probably all have to learn portion control ( Or we wouldn't be on CD in the 1st place). We can still look forward to a treat or 2!!

Exactly! As I said in my first post you must treat yourself now n again. But it's all about being in control of food. Not food being in control of you. That's the bottom line. AND Maintenance! If we're in control then there's no way we can gain the weight again.

mmm, naan bread! lol. just kidding!
NANDOS!! Yum yum, it's all I think about!!! heehee!