Food Hangover! The greatest do not cheat motivation!!!


Full Member
Ok So after my 2nd weigh in I only lost 2lbs and suddenly got really depressed so I went out for drinks with friends on Sunday and have felt vile ever since! I wouldnt say I have eaten particularly bad food have tried to at least stay the same this week but I have had a week long hangover feeling! I made the decision to not bother going back into ketosis as I have an event this weekend but will be 100% back on SS on Monday (maybe Sunday).

I have read some old threads about food hangovers but they are out of date so thought I would start this one for all the current CD'ers!

I cannot wait to get back onto plan this feeling is so not worth cheating for! I know getting back into Keto is going to be hard but I tell you what I would rather be there than where I am now!

2 weeks in Keto and I noticed:

Skin cleared up
no "tired" spells in the day
no real hunger (apart from the mental torment of not eating)
the lbs falling off each day!

I'm even missing the constipation!!!

People my advise! Embrace your Ketosis and keep it! Its horrible when you come out!!

Anyone else had similar experiences?
Week one and the same for me, feel so bad and disgusted that I cheated :(
And felt all the lovely Benifits whilst in the diet and now I'm really finding it hard to start again X

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Oh Shabbs! After your whole 1 stone loss!!! Bless you dont beat yourself up about it just start again! Karrinnae and I are having the weekend off but starting again Monday! I have bought a months worth of products so I will be damned if I am going to let it beat me! We can all do this!
When I am not on CD I miss the positivity that I feel when doing it knowing that I am making a positive changes in my life, I dont know why but this diet must get my endorphins going :)