

Full Member
Hello all,

I was hoping to have something to eat on weigh in day. What would you suggest to help keep myself in ketosis?

Many thanks x
Think this'll have to be in a different forum cause you're not meant to talk about food in 100% but look at the Exante website - recipes on there are marked keto friendly xox

I just seen you mentioned this on a post in off topic.

Can I delete it or can admin move it?

Sorry again
No, it's alright cause nobody had mentioned food. Just I don't think people can give suggestions without it getting moved! Didn't want you getting done ;)

Check out recipes section for people to give suggestions. Should be the best place to start xox
Loucille2 said:
No, it's alright cause nobody had mentioned food. Just I don't think people can give suggestions without it getting moved! Didn't want you getting done ;)

Check out recipes section for people to give suggestions. Should be the best place to start xox

Thank you :)