That's a result then - stuff the numbers - you are rockin' x
I've only lost 2lbs this week. I weighed yesterday as was too eager to find out :p Weighed again this morn and no change from the 2lbs loss yesterday so thats great for me. Fabulous losses to maccalenny and fortyandfat - excellent work! Don't worry about a STS too much Tazbabe, I get them more often than anything else then get a couple of weeks of good losses so maybe next week will be a good one for you ;)

maccalenny - 3lbs
fortyandfat -5lbs
miss bee - 2lb
Tazbabe: STS
Miss Mango: -2lbs
maccalenny - 3lbs
fortyandfat -5lbs
miss bee - 2lb
Tazbabe: STS
Miss Mango: -2lbs
Jellyzz sts

sts for me this week been so good aswell and lots of walking and gym arrrggg never mind well done all...x
Aw Jelly I know how frustrating a STS is after you've had a good week, don't worry too much though, I'm sure you'll have a good loss next week. Sometimes you do just STS one week then have a loss the next - I get that all the time. Well done on having a good week though :)
Hi - how's everyone got on this week? Just -0.5 lb for me - hardly worth reporting really! Ate too much dark chocolate over the weekend I suspect...
Hope its going well for everyone else
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Thanks very much for letting us know Irish Eyes and can I just say WOWWWW to Miss Bee for her absolutely amazing loss - flippig heck thats fantastic :D
Maccalenny, a loss is a loss hunnie, no matter how small - better off than on! ;)
Well done everyone, you've all done great - I've had another STS :rolleyes:

maccalenny: -0.5lbs
fortyandfat: 3lbs
Miss Bee: 6lbs :eek: Wow well done :D
Miss V: -1lbs
Miss Mango: STS :confused:
maccalenny: -0.5lbs
fortyandfat: 3lbs
Miss Bee: 6lbs :eek: Wow well done :D
Miss V: -1lbs
Miss Mango: STS :confused:

Hi very late forgot yesterday just one of them days 2lb off this week well done all ....xx
Well done Jellyzz - fab :D
thanks my lovely irish eyes for popping in on my behalf:)
and miss mango,you are so sweet,thank you:)
6lb is great for me,and i am very happy about it.
i would also like to take the time to say to all you lovely girls,please please,check all your door and window locks before bed,especially this time of year.
we were robbed thursday early hours of the morning.they took two laptops before i disturbed them.police were brill,and one man already in prison(yay!!)
we are all ok,just a bit shakey,but that will pass.
so once again,check and double check.i had left a window open,just a tiny bit by accident.thats all it takes,one mistake!
love to all.
and well done on the losses this week.