Friday "Let's do it hour by hour"

I know LadyLite,thats fantastic that you walk, i don't even do that! Since this week, I have only just got into exercising, but thats only 2-3 times a week (which I am looking to increase). Have been so lazy, wish I started 5 months ago, but that is my fault. I know losing off the face and neck area is great, but when will the belly, arms and legs go, thats the bit the I want most of all! :(.

I have only done my LegMagic 1-2 times so far this week, planning on doing it again tonight, Sat and Sun. Need to get in to doing it regularly to see results. Well if you do decide to go for one , then shop around to get the best price, but try to get the offer with the 30-day moneyback gurantee, incase you do change your mind!

Ahhhhhh BL, don't be like that, sorry because I haven't explored this site that much, how would I view your pics?

Hehehe SLimssea - I am only playing! :D

but I am just feeling a bit needy if I am honest- NO ONE is telling me they notice I have lost weight except my inlaws, (they have to - its the law ;) ) and only two friends, and they know I am doing the diet. But no one else is. It's making me feel a bit insecure and makes me doubt myself. So I decided to post a "before" and "So far" photo in my gallery.

I get really frustrated - after weeks and 2 stones, you'd think *someone* at work might actually SAY something. I see odd looks, but no one has complimented me, and it's just made me feel a bit down.

I need reassurance - I don't often admit that - but its true. One of my insecurities I'm afraid - I know where it stems from, and that's a whole other issue.:rolleyes:

But thank you, and thanks for looking :)
Ahhhhhhh i know the feeling BL. You know what, who cares what other people think, whether they notice or not notice, as long as you know. (I know one gets boosted when getting complements it is indeed natural). The people who don't comment but know, they are what you call Jealous people, people who cannot see other people happy. As long as ur family and close friends (ur Hubby's support) and all your MM friends, thats all you need.

So don't worry and be happyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :)
Thanks SLimssea, I know you are right. It's just such a good boost, and helps keep the drive strong...which it still is....its just nice to have someone notice you efforts!! I'm OK though, really- I am happy. I just want some strokes!! LOL :D

I will take heart n at least knowing people are looking kind of sideways, so they must at least be thinking something is different! :)

Thanks hon
BL I hve just looked a your photos and it really does show. People said I lost a lot at the beginning, but now they dont mention it as they are expecting me to look thiner.

Keep going you are looking great, such a pretty face and I love the hat:)

I am so hungry today and only one sachet left, get glugging
Hi bex, how are you?
My day has gone much better than yesterday. It was a bit iffy to start with but my hubby and I did make it to Harrogate eventually and we did a bit of shopping (incl a shaker thing from `lakeland to help mix shakes when i'm at work).

got hoe feeling very tired but had a shake and then a savoury drink and i feel pleasantly full. Not sure `i can manage my 4th but I shall do my best later.

I have bummed out in abig way with the water. I'll be lucky if `i have managed 2 lts never mind 4!!!!!:eek:

I also have my first drop in tomoz and i am wondering if it is expected that I should have lost any weight at all since starting the plan yesterday.

Questions, questions.......;)
hi BL, I just got in from work and saw your ics, woooohoooo! Well done! I told you I could see a difference!

Take no notice of them at work who haven't said anything, I was told today i need to eat something as I was cold! They all know I'm back on LL and have to lose another 2 stones!!! People you see every day probably won't notice for a bit, the girls in my office didn't, and one girl said to me, "I can't really see any difference", but then she found a pic of me on her phone and then said, "Bloody hell, actually I do see a difference!"

You could always try the approach of taking a pic in of the old you, and "casually" leaving it on your desk, lol!!!;););)

BUT! You're bloody gorgeous and a lovely woman and have been a great support to me over the last few weeks, so ignore them jealous buggers!!!:character00201::character00201::character00201::hug99::hug99: (That's you on your bike, by the way, ha ha!!!
Slimseaa I've got to add my vote to the people who don't think you look as though you have 4-4.5 stone to lose .... wish I could look like that.

BL - all I can say is WOW, there is such a difference there, you've got a good shape going on ..... people must have noticed and they're just not saying anything ......... to be honest though nobody I know has mentioned my weight loss either, cept hubby who said my bum has gone really 'peachy'!!!!! He must have seen and ate some bloody strange peaches!!!
It's been a really difficult day for me. I'm not hungry but I want food so bad. I won't give in, though. Going to bed now. End of Day 5. :wave_cry:
keep your chin up casey, it does get better i promise xxxx
where do we go to look and before and after pics.

i am now in week four and LL has become routin a way of life but i do still look wistfully at food and would love to eat pizza- but i wont
Thank you everyone. I really needed that. I don't know what my probblem was yesterday - I just needed something and you all gave it to me. Thank you very much!!!

I don;t know how I would get through this without all of you.:gen126:

I tried to work in out on my thread, but just got myself more and more confused. But I am feeling better today. I guess it was just a low, doubtful moment. :rolleyes::eek:

ut thank you all for your support. You are all diamonds.
Thanks Katie, but believe me, I am very fat in a lot of places, I do indeed have 4-4.5 stones left to lose, its going from my face, but I want it to go from the main area's! Thanks all :)