From 16's to 15's

:0) I might b longer- after getting into 16s I went to c Bon jovi in dublin yesterday- had steak n chips n pepper sauce for lunch- everyone else had dessert but I was good- but then had quite a few vodka mojitos!!!! Not sure how many! Went to an Italian after concert and couldn't remember eating anything but found out I was the only one didn't eat cos they only had pizza :0) but then had breakfast in hotel- muesli then a fried egg, beans, tomatoes, bacon & black pudding- oh & a hash brown-

So I've 3.5 on again :0/

Haven't done anything quite that back since I joined Sw!!! Feel so guilty (she says as she contemplates a Chinese )
You can pull that back for next week you know you can put down the Chinese menu you'll feel worse after it!

You did well in Dublin i would munched the lot lol

Ooh how was bon jovi soo jealous!
All i can say is :D x
Well havin lovely weekend wi hubby,been brill wi food n just a bit naughty wi vino but I'll pull it back !!!
Rubbish few days :-( not excited for Tuesday at all
suzy111 said:
Well havin lovely weekend wi hubby,been brill wi food n just a bit naughty wi vino but I'll pull it back !!!

Well done for being so positive suzy get them superfree foods down ya! X
rachymason said:
I agree! Try the superspeed soup, always helps if I've been naughty! :)

Rachy what's in the superfree soup?
Thank you ill have a look
We are doing well! Thank god Im off to work so won't be tempted to have a barbecue! Stocked up on my fruit to take to work so i hopefully can stay away from the biscuit tin and the ice cream!

I always find it much easier to diet when its hot like this 1. Its perfect salad weather and 2 i can never be bothered to eat!
Im making the most of it before i lose all motivation lol
Well put trousers on today that were tight last thurs and they are loose today ,can't wait 4thurs weigh in!!!!
suzy111 said:
Well put trousers on today that were tight last thurs and they are loose today ,can't wait 4thurs weigh in!!!!

That's awesome Suzy! I'm wearing a top to work today which has been too tight pretty much since I bought it, it's actually loose now! :)