From 17's to 16's

Well done for your loss tho @EBD I know when you want a bigger number and you get slapped with smaller one and everyone still gives you the "at least its going in the right direction" still want to slam the door and scream and stamp your feet lol. I cant take those comments, I think they infuriate me more than the actually loss lol
I just get fired up and knock it out of the park the following week... I can't let it defeat me so I push through more and double check what's going in my mouth is food optimising and enjoy the week. I hope it burns deep for you to smash it for next week!
I don't know if it helps, but the whole group has a real bee in their bonnet about drinking water like its a new phase, something that hasnt be heard before or "something so simple and free and its amazing, who knew!" lol *rolls eyes
a woman didnt change her food habits at all, but drank atleast 2 litres of water of day and she lost an extra 2lb on top of her normal 1lb loss, so she loss 3lbs this week and got slimmer of the week, as i gained last week :(
So I would definitely look into giving that ago, I do about 3-4 litres a day now, I've bought all the fad water bottles and filter systems, but what has kept me going last week and this week is a normal 1litre Buxton water bottle with the sports cap. 89p or something from tesco lol , i've carried that around with me, like a baby the car, at home and out and about and i can get through about 3-4 litres per day
it could give you a boost to get you to that award!!
hopefully both of us will get the awards next week! I am very excited. its what has drive me this week to be on point :D
Thanks @Neveragain - I know it is a loss still but as i have so much to lose I find the smaller losses frustrating - I can't complain really I suppose.

Just found my old slimming world book from 2013 and i got down to 16st 8.5lbs - so really looking forward to hitting that as it will have been 3 years since I've been there!

Will try the water, though I do drink quite a lot anyway, forever need the loo as it now! I hope I will have a reasonably good loss next week, as long as I stick 100% to plan, but that is a WHOLE week away and it always seems like forever. A lady in my group lost 13.5lbs as what was I think her first week, though I didn't stay as I felt so disheartened. I'm happy for her, but I'm not sure I'll be getting SOTW anytime soon if she can pull that out of the bag!

P.s. noticed you've got 6.5lbs and I've got 7.5lbs to go until we have less than 100lbs to our goals - Yay! That will be a good milestone to pass!
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haha! I saw that too! @EBD cant wait for it to go to double numbers! we can do it!
Im coming up to my period soon, always happens I get back on track and then i get hit with water weight and bloating. But hopefully working out, I can sweat it out so i'm not holding on too much...
Going to try and increase my fish, mainly tuna to see if that helps and ive been snacking on fruits during the day when I think I should switch to veg sticks. As they are more filling. I can have a small bowl of cut up carrots and cucumbers and be full for longer but it takes an apple, orange, grapes and pears (which i tolerate) to be full. I made the sw hummus again today and my word i cant stop dipping into it with the carrots.
I eat (especially snack on) a lot more fruit than veg. Still, I always think better than biscuits!

I always bloat then too, if you look through my book you can see exactly when! Hoping the residual bloating was partly why I didn't have such a good loss the week just gone.

I agree, seeing double numbers will be amazing! 8 lbs to go at which point I'll hopefully get a flurry of awards (as well as below 100lbs to lose) I would get club 10, 2 stone, platinum and lowest I've been in years all within 3lbs of each other (or probably over two weeks!). Looking forward to that motivation. Come on 8lb loss!
I think my group is mostly ok, though a bit cliquey. I'm sure I won't get them all at once either though!

Did a really intense workout, with weights as well today, so hoping that it doesn't count against me this week as thus far I have been very good. I'll see what the scales say tomorrow morning as to whether it'll affect my weight loss. How are you doing this week? What kind of a loss are you hoping for - you must be well into the 17's now?
I am 17st 8.5lbs so im half pound out for the 4th stone award. It's been good but I have been worried about the amount of carbs - potatoes and sw spring rolls i have been having this week, so I thought I look into carb cycling. so some days you have high carbs and some days you have low carbs, so it makes your body work hard using the fat on the low carb days as it cant depend on the carb intake. so today I am doing an sp day, to calm down the huge amount of chips i had yesterday and then low carb on monday so one meal with carb will most likely be sw chips and sp day on tuesday as i get weighed on wednesday. which will be high carb day after meeting the scales. Been reading up on it and its suppose to trick and speed up fat loss as the body turns to the fat to use as fuel when you have low carb days but also its not a constant carb amount through the week so it basically keeps the body on its toes and not have plateaus or the body just uses up the carbs for energy and have slow weight loss.
I've been drinking my 3-4 litres of day also so I'm hoping for a good loss. I am gunning for 4lbs so its a nice chuck out for the next award 4 and half but it only makes me be good during the week you know. If I say I wanna loss 1 lb, i wont be as good you know? so I say 4lbs and then I keeps me on track to push it. so I would be happy with a 3lbs.
I have pharmacy scales down the road for me and they are spot on with sw scales, I went last week on monday and it said I lost 4lbs and got weight at sw and lost 4lbs. but my "rest day" from the dvd was sunday so I think having a full day to recovery with no exercise helped the muscles to calm down at least 24 hours before i went on the scales and then i made tuesday a rest day before weight in.

but this week, I have done my rest day tuesday before i get weighed on wednesday. But I wanna go and check on the pharmacy scales, so im prepared for sw, because if its a gain at least i have 2 days to deal with it, without been a shock at group but i wont have a rest day before the pharmacy scales, so ill see for sure if its worth having a rest day before getting on scales. Maybe do that for you? make today your rest day drink loads of water to help the muscles and add more protein aswell it might help for weigh in tomorrow?
Haha! No rest for me, was at the gym again yesterday and stiff as a board today. Will try again tonight and perhaps will just do cardio on Wednesday before my weigh in on Thursday.

Could kick myself! Weighed in yesterday morning at 16.13.2 :)wee:) but then ate an amazing lunch for Father's Day yesterday and an back up to 17.1 - hoping this disappears before Thursday. Always knew it was going to happen and it was worth it! Drinking lots of peppermint tea to try and disperse the white bread bloating!
The carb cycling makes my head want to hurt! Anyway, for my there is nothing like being told I can't have something to crave it!
Yeah I know what you mean @EBD sp day went well yesterday made me alittle lagging in my work out but doable. today is medium carb, so just had my chef salad for sp and im having sw burgers, chips and salad tonight for my carb. Last work out and then rest day tomorrow before weigh in. Went to the pharmacy and got weighed as I came on this morning :( I wanted to see the damage before weigh in. It says I'd lost a 1 lb :( :( but I worked out yesterday was the total body burn so massive workout and im sore in my legs. So im hoping that has impacted the number and ill see what the scales say on wednesday after my rest day.
So frustrating tho because after battling through water retention through new exercise and started to get back on track, mother nature calls and sets me back grrr! ill just have to wait and see..... I only needed 1/2lb for my 4th stone award, but still I wanted a 3 lb loss double grrrrr! two days to drink more water to see if i have flush out period bloating,,
Well the pharmacy scales was right, I lost a pound and got my 4 stone award!! :sw056: So glad my period and bloating didnt stop me from getting this award, so super chuffed. :wee:

Now focusing on getting rid of the period bloating with my uptake of water and back to working out tonight, gunning for a 3-4lb loss this week, as I want a nice big chunk out of it so i can get into the 16 stone next month.
Currently 17st 7 lbs and half
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Wow! You must be over the moon! I'm so pleased for you!

You're near enough halfway through the stone so well done you!

Will let you know how I do tomorrow!
Hi @Neveragain just wanted to check in and say I'm still rooting for you to make it down to the 16's stone bracket - you've lost 4 stone so you can definitely do it! Hope all is going well for you!
Hello EBD and Neveragain. Well done on your wonderful losses!

And congrats on moving down a bracket, such an achievement. I've been reading your posts and was wondering if I could join?

I'm currently 17.10 after already losing 2 stone to get here. I've been hovering around this weight for 3 weeks now and have gained 0.5 last week and the week before so hoping to lose something this week!

How are you, are you having a good week? Xx
Hello EBD and Neveragain. Well done on your wonderful losses!

And congrats on moving down a bracket, such an achievement. I've been reading your posts and was wondering if I could join?

I'm currently 17.10 after already losing 2 stone to get here. I've been hovering around this weight for 3 weeks now and have gained 0.5 last week and the week before so hoping to lose something this week!

How are you, are you having a good week? Xx


I'm technically not in this bracket now, but happy to lend support as it seems a bit quite in here!

You're doing so well, I know it's hard at the moment but you're doing so well and sometimes we just get these blips - keep trying and you will keep losing! Isn't it amazing seeing that lower number on the scale?

Hoping I'm having a good week, had a bit of a stomach bug last week and still feel slightly funny but carrying on being on plan - last week I weighed in at a different group and their scales were definitely different to my normal group so don't know what to expect.

If it helps between Feb and end of May I just kept losing and gaining the same half stone and I was so disheartened but I kept trying and eventually I got past it. So you will move past it! X
I've been so excited to get here :D I've come down from the 20's to 19's to 18's and now here! sitting at 17st 12.5lb this week, hope you're all doing well, really nice to meet you all! Sorry for all the exclamation marks, just so happy to be down here, i've been in the 18s a few weeks, a new stone bracket feels amazing xxx
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I've been so excited to get here :D I've come down from the 20's to 19's to 18's and now here! sitting at 17st 12.5lb this week, hope you're all doing well, really nice to meet you all! Sorry for all the exclamation marks, just so happy to be down here, i've been in the 18s a few weeks, a new stone bracket feels amazing xxx
Hurrah! I'm just checking backing in here as I recently moved down to the next zone, but wanted to congratulate you! You're doing so well - look at all your awards! I'm sure you'll be down in the 16's in no time! The next stone bracket is such a great feeling isn't it!
Hi @EBD! How you doing?? Yeah I'm ok, had a little blip last week, Large amount of orders came in and I didn't plan for the week, so it was hectic. Eating plan all over the place, just chugging down food that was quick to eat usually hand to mouth sort of food and didnt track syns. Most orders are out now and didnt want another gain so I went back to basics and back on track again. lost 2 and half this wednesday just gone, so that has put me back to 17 stone 6lbs, but only 5 pounds till 4 and half stone award. So I'm determined to get before this month is out.
I have a competitive nature, to helps me stay focus and goal to hit you know and I think hitting the 4 stone award, the first EVER to done this far with slimming world, I jilted abit.... I get how people start to slow down, or loose focus or take their foot of the pedal after a certain time just doing sw 100% every week. So I feel like I had my naughty day 2 weeks ago which was way over due, the first naughty day (completely off plan) since I started in december, I even had a 100% plan on christmas eve, xmas day and boxing day and news years, didnt go over any of my syns for those days. So I think I made myself to have a day to just eat everything thats was high syns lol, Now its out of my system im back on track... I am alittle behind on my goal, was hoping to hit target by december, but it looks like it will be january/feb which isnt so bad.... but my goal was for december as i'm taking my daughter to Belfast to go to the titanic museum and their surrounding titanic history. which we are very excited about.... she loves the history of titanic and she is only 8! so I wanna be at target when we go, so I have loads of room for the plane seat, new clothes and just generally be happy walking around and be surrounded by people and not hide you know.... so very excited.... So my motivation is back and im ready to kick ass!
Hello EBD and Neveragain. Well done on your wonderful losses!

And congrats on moving down a bracket, such an achievement. I've been reading your posts and was wondering if I could join?

I'm currently 17.10 after already losing 2 stone to get here. I've been hovering around this weight for 3 weeks now and have gained 0.5 last week and the week before so hoping to lose something this week!

How are you, are you having a good week? Xx

Hi the Nicolalala,

How have you been this week? Well done on your 2 stone lost! :0clapper:

I've been so excited to get here :D I've come down from the 20's to 19's to 18's and now here! sitting at 17st 12.5lb this week, hope you're all doing well, really nice to meet you all! Sorry for all the exclamation marks, just so happy to be down here, i've been in the 18s a few weeks, a new stone bracket feels amazing xxx

Hi Becca, Well done on your loss! well done for getting in this bracket thats quite an achievement well done! Hope you are having a fab week so far!