From 20 to 12 stone 2 to go!!!!


Full Member
Good Morning,

I am back formally known as Scottish Bride, we got married in the summer and it was lovely. But back to normality now and ready to go for another push for Christmas. I have decided to split my goals so my ideal weight would be 10 stone but only going to aim for 12 for Christmas at the moment.

On the up side I have already lost the wedding / honeymoon weight so now back to loosing what was here before :rolleyes: lol

My weigh in day is Sunday so on day three of my week and feeling a bit hungry today so have been keeping my self busy, gutted the kids bedroom filled the wheelie bin and looking for something else do to ha ha.
busy day and early start

Good Morning,

Early I know up working before my children get up :)

Yesterday I stuck to my calories however did not make it on to the treadmill! but did do Sunday & Monday and will go on today so all should be good.

I am desperate to buy new jeans but am determined I am buying a smaller size so at the awkward stage of having very few things that fit in the cupboard.

After Kids go to school today I am picking up my mum and going to clean my Grandmothers house, she is coming out of hospital tomorrow so things need to be sorted out for her. We have our doubts if she is ready to come home but the hospital seems to think so.

Oh and having venison sausages with cranberry to Tea tonight, can't wait!!!! yum yum yum

Have a lovely day :)
Good Afternoon peeps

Had a busy day so far was up got kids sorted and off to school and then had my deliveries to make then did my groceries and banking to do.

Now sitting with a cup of tea and sugar free jelly watching beauty and the beast with my girls.

What has every body been up to today? x
4 lb loss this week :) very pleased with that.

I made home made popcorn last night for when Dr Who was on, put Tikka seasoning and a wee bit salt on it and it was lush!!! would really recommend it

Just had toast and eggs for breakfast yum yum however I am sure the kettle is calling my oh again hahaha
Well done on your loss!! I also weigh in on a Sunday so will see if I've lost anything lol. Just had a read of your diary doing well so far! The popcorn sounds good where did you get the corn from? I also know what you mean about clothes not fitting I seem to live in leggings at the moments lol x
Well done on your loss!!
Popcorn sounds yummy! Must remember that next time I want nachos!!

Hope your nana is ok!!
Good Morning :D

How are you guys all doing?

Had a good calorie day yesterday, always puts me in a good mood!

Been up for hours already done the bulk of my days work will put girls to school then jump on my treadmill for 45 minutes - shower - more work - chill for a couple hours then pick up girls and start the weekday afternoon ritual of taking kids to clubs and so on husband/dads have it easy!

Have a lovely day peeps! x