From here to Slimfinity!!! - Team 6

I think roughly it's like 2 pints to a litre, but 2 pints is over a litre so if you drink two pints by mid day you will be on to a good one.

I want to set a target but I know that on the CD I always just face constant disappointment. :( I really need to lose 14lbs this month! but this week I am hoping for 4 and will be gutted with less than 3, I really need proper scales that I weigh on weekly, differing scales are an absolute killer.
I know what you mean Slim, pinning your hopes on a certain loss and not making it is not good for the morale! I am scared I have stayed the same this week, although I have been very good. Sigh. I just need to be patient, and patience is not my strong point! Hugs, honey, you are getting there!
Happy Saint Patrick's Day

Not sure if there are any irish members of the team but you know what they say everyone is irish on 17th March, well there will be neither, Guinness nor whiskey, nor colcannon for us but doesn't mean we can't celebrate.

Lets go 100% for St Patricks day
Top of the mornin' to you Slim!!! I am half irish (the best half, my mum used to say!!!) and so is my OH. Cards have been sent to the Irish mammies. Aw. Not safe to pin on shamrock, I might eat it... lol! Colcannon sounds FAB... sigh. Naughty carbs!!!! Guinness & whiskey I can do without, maybe I'll have an extra hot choc shake instead! Going for dog walk with lovely pal in a minute while the sunshine lasts, I love the flexibilty of working at home on days like this!
drank my first litre of water,

morrisons have Aqua-Pura 1lt bottles on offer 2 for 1 pound, I find it easier because they are still small enough to drink out of but they are a whole litre not those trickster 750ml bottles that make you think you are getting somewhere but you have to drink 4 of them just to get your 3 litres in
You could always have boiled turkey bacon and cabbage Katy on sole source plus but the hot choc sounds more appealing!!

Are you half Irish half scottish? A true celtic princess :)

I am so jealous of you home workers!!! :( I am in work today looking out at the sunshine. It's days like this when I can't wait to get into the classroom, I think when I am a teacher I will teach the entire summer term outside on the grass! Even more I can't wait to have 6 weeks off every year!!
No boiled bacon or turkey for me Slim, am veggie!!! Maybe tofu & cabbage for my 810 meal... I am half irish & half english, no scottish blood at all but have lived here most of my adult life, how weird is that? It's very beautiful & remote & we like that. (Feels like you have to be a rich person to live in the country down in england!)

So are you training to be a teacher Slim? What subject? I used to teach art till 2 years ago & on hot days we WOULD go out and sit on the grass or do sketching outside! Teaching is BRILLIANT, you'll be fab!

Im 100% irish blooded, but dont drink so havent got worry about that one phew!!! Colcannon Mmmmmm....
(no Fi the carbs!!!)
Glad your all upbeat and what a lovely day, sat here trying not to gag on my water.....tried on a pair of jeans I bought a
few months ago AND THEY FIT!!! for first time, not that they look good with six stone of excess lard
squashed into them lol.. but its progress!!
Oh Katy you sound like you live in paradise, and what a lovely environment to write!!!
Hi to all xxxxx

p.s. my scales are still telling me a stone, nasty CDC scales!! they can....:kissass:
To be fair Katy I think the cabbage is the best bit anyway!! I have never been to Scotland but it's on my list of places I'd love to go, you paint a nice picture of it, and I can imagine that a normal person really could have a piece of heaven up there that is beyond the comprehension of a london girl like me.

I am starting my PGCE in September going to be teaching Primary but hope to stick with years 4 and 5 so aged 8-10, I can't wait for it! yesterday I was at my brother's school where I did some observation and they were all talking to me and I was so sad leaving them behind.

I have had 3lt so far and lots of exercise running up the stairs. Well done on the jeans Flobble!!! I am sure you look great no matter what you say! and well done on the stone off!!! I think you should stick to your scales at least they are consistent!
Aw, Happy Paddy's then Flobble! And Yay to the jeans, that is the BEST feeling. A better indicator than those pesky CDC scales! I bet they do look good, and wait till you are dropping down more sizes still, you will feel amazing. I am back in a lot of clothes I haven't worn for years & also odd things I'd bought that turned out too small but couldn't bear to return them!!! So it's like having a whole new wardrobe for free!!!

SW Scotland is pretty today, but not so pretty in the rain... still, if it didn't rain so much it wouldn't be so green! We still have snow on the mountains in the distance too!!! Good luck with the PGCE, Slim, you'll be great. I did high school art for a bit then worked as peripatetic art specialist to rural primaries, when my kids were little - it was great, primary kids can & will do ANYTHING and the standard of work they'd come up with was awesome. Life hasn't dented your confidence so much at that age! I think you will LOVE it.

Good morning honeys... hope everyone is good and all set for a 100% day... but cold & cloudy here, but hoping for more sunshine... it's my weigh-in later and I think I have stayed the same, sigh. I think I need to step things up (or down) a bit to get things moving again. More water and ultra-strict with the 810, maybe my 810 meal is too big or something? I'll work it out! And I will get there. One day!!!

Morning glories. Suffering today with conjunctivitis. Stayed on plan yesterday, hoping for a good one today.

I met Slim on Monday. She is Fab! xx
Eeek, that doesn't sound good, is it sore? Poor you!

It's so cool you & Slim could meet up, maybe Suki too one day... where are Flob, Kitty & Red based? I am out on a limb a bit in the wilds of Scotland... sigh!!!
I'm 3 hours from Ed, alas... but maybe we will have a team meet somewhere one day! Conjunctivitis is red, itchy eyes, isn't it? Horrid!!! Are you able to work? Have you taken anything for it? Hope you are feeling better soon... hugs.
Hiya, reporting in with my weigh-in results... 2lbs!!! My target for the week was 'more than one!' so I have just about made it... yay!!! Feel a bit headachey so off to glug another herby tea...
Hello ladies,

Wow how did I miss this whole days conversation... must stop replying on email updates!!!

Glad you did better than you think you did Katy, if you are sticking to plan you will lose and lookie there you did!

I feel like I have gained every week but then again I am a cheataholic, I am having my official one month weigh in soon so hopefully will be on target or near to it.

I think we should have a team meet when we are all at goal, althought that might take some of us longer than others.

Thanks for posting your official weight loss this week Katy, hoping to actually be able to submit a result to Irene this week so looking forward to getting some results from the rest of you.

I have contacted Kitty but so far had no response, if we don't hear from her by Sunday I will be replacing her in the team, it's a shame but also it might help motivate me if I know our teams glory or doom lies at least partly in my hands.

meeting QG was awesome and she looks so fab with her skinny body that since monday every time I have thought of cheating I have thought if she can do it you can too which is great inspiration. :)
Good plan Slim, have been worrying about Kitty. Hope she is OK... but would be good to have you in the team properly Slim as you are our cheerleader! And you will lead us to GLORY, none of this talk of doom, OK?!!!

A meet at target sounds great... it takes as long as it takes, no hurry. Quizz is very inspiring & supportive, I know...