From here to Slimfinity!!! - Team 6

Trisha, we can console each other, lol. At least your broccoli soup was a better choice than lasagne, think l went into auto mode, almost like if l eat it quick it won't matter :rolleyes: and scoffed a couple of spoonfuls - l need to stay much more in control. It's hard sometimes!!!

Anyway, no point in being annoyed with myself anymore. At least the water drinking is going well for me - had 3 litres so far today, usually manage at least that most days.

I need to lose about a stone, bet it takes a lot longer than it did last year when l started CD, mind you l don't have as much weight to lose as l did back then, so l guess it's bound to be slower. I need to be patient and focus on keeping the weight off long term.
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dp I'm pretty much the same need to lose about a stone to get to original goal but would like to lose another half stone or so extra on top, why is it so hard this time?
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Well at least l made no more slip ups tonight. :rolleyes:

dp I'm pretty much the same need to lose about a stone to get ot original goal but would like to lose another half stone or so extra on top, why is it so hard this time?

My orginal goal was 9st 3lb/129lb - mainly because l like the number 29, LOL, but if l lose a stone and get to 9st 7lb (BMI 23.6) and stay there l'll be really pleased. My CDC thinks l should be happy enough if l maintain at around 10st, but l feel l need to weigh a bit less than that.

I agree it seems harder restarting and sticking to it, but l'm sure we CAN.

I know l need to be as determined now to re-lose these last lbs as l was last year when l first started CD and had a lot more weight to lose (l was 14st 9lb at the start), sometimes it's hard staying at that level of motivation and being as single minded, but l'm working on it. I know l'm going to have to work at it to keep the weight off, it's so easy to let things slide and the lbs pile on.

Trisha, if you don't mind me asking, what age are you? I'm 43, my daughter and son are ages 13 & 6.
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Morning girls...

Sun is shining for the 6th straight day in a row down here in London. I have been keeping to my diet since Monday and lost 7lbs.

It sounds like we are all getting back in action..

Do you have any special weekend plans?

Quizz, well done on losing 7lbs.

No special plans for us this weekend. Tomorrow l'm taking stuff to the charity shop then going to the supermarket - so nothing exciting.
What are you up to this weekend?

Hope you're all having a good Friday. No sunshine today where l am in Scotland (Ayrshire), it's quite cold, looks like rains not far off.
well I have some plans to mow the lawn and pick up dog poop. Not very glam but it has to be done. I hung out my washing today which was great and eco and saved money!

Disney, did you see that the Harry Potter them is going to open at Disney in Florida? What do you think? xxx
Well done on losing 7 lbs quizz I am so jealous.

Sun is shining here too (for a change), no plans for the weekend my husband is working tomorrow so I'll go to the gym in the morning and housework in the afternoon. Might get out on a walk on Sunday if the weather stays nice.

My origianl goal (suggested by cd ) was 10 stone which I reached last year but I wanted about 9 st 7 lbs but 9st 3 or 4 would be nice, and give me some leeway.

needless to say I've put about 1 stone back on :(
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Disney, did you see that the Harry Potter them is going to open at Disney in Florida? What do you think? xxx

My kids (age 13 & 6) have never been that into Harry Potter, although l know lots of children love it. My daughter has only read one of the HP books, although she reads a lot. I mentioned to them that the new attraction would be open, but they weren't that interested. So we probably won't be going to it, but you never know they might decide they want to once we are in Florida (volcanoes permitting! :rolleyes:)
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Feeling positive. :) Scales haven't moved much though. Looking forward to getting back in to the 130s (ie below 10st, my height is 5'3", so 10st just takes me to BMI of 25). Reckon l'll be on SS+ for another 2 or 3 weeks.

Hope everyone has a good Saturday. I'm just about to go out shopping.
Scales havn't moved much for me either :( but going to stick with it.
I'm 5' 4.5", I'm also looking forward to getting back down to 10 stone, but would like to be lower, so I'll be on ss+ for 3 weeks maybe 4. Been to the gym this morning, didn't overdo it, just the tread climber some weights and a swim. My struggles really began when I started going to the gym, I think because the machines tell you how many calories you've "burned" and I think I've been using this as an excuse to " cheat/pick" up until starting going to the gym I was always so "good" and didn't "cheat" at all! so I'm going to ignore what they say in future, and try and stay focused.

Just having a hot choc shake then going to get stuck into the housework.

have a good day everyone
wow you guys are both so close! Amazing. My consultant (yes I still go!) told me something that is very true for me

"you will never regret a time when you didnt cheat"

I hope it motivates you guys as well

you will never regret a time when you didnt cheat"


That is a great quote. Very motivating.

Yesterday worked out as a 800 cal day for me, today will probably be the same, so back to SS+ tomorrow. Really want to be - l must be - under 10st again & maintaining for a few weeks by end of June - going to a wedding & then it's my holiday the following week (volcanoes permitting :eek:).
Good morning, hope everyone has a good Monday and a good week on CD.
hey guys just a quick one to say back on it today....restart!!!!

Have put on 1/2 stone in 3 weeks so gonna lose that (and some) not gonna stop till i get to 10.5 stones this time. Enough faffing and living in the 11's.

Right off to mums and will be on tonight to catch up with what you have all been up to (not read any posts).

Hope you're all good
hey guys just a quick one to say back on it today....restart!!!!

That's great. Welcome back onboard. :)

We CAN so do this.
Thought l'd post this, my six year old son and l had this conversation yesterday:

son: I remember when l was up in heaven.
me: What was it like?
son: It was like Tesco's with nobody in it.
me: Were you not lonely?
son: No. There was lots of toys to play with.

LOL, not sure everyones idea of heaven is Tesco.
I just love the things kids say.
welcome back mum2one, we can do this

Didn't have a good day yesterday but back on track again!

dp kids are great and come out with some fantastic stuff. I was talking to a kid at school today, he was asking old old my daughter was, so I said 19, he said how old are you, I said 21. he said you can't be if she's 19. Then he said " my mums 38, you look younger than her so I think you're about 35 am I right?" so I said "close enough!" lol