From Obsese to Marathon runner

Well, almost a year since I posted and lots of reasons why this has not been a massive priority for me.

My second little girl is almost 1 now, it has been a unsettled all year because she is not a fan of sleeping!

I have changed jobs so this has been a big stress on my time.

Finally my mum was finally put on the transplant list and her prayers were answered just before Christmas when she underwent a double lung transplant.

Seeing what she has been through puts my health into context for me. I have been lucky not to have any side effects other than being lethargic due to my size and I can't take it for granted any more.

Life is precious and the I deserve to be the best version of me I can! I hope you all enjoy hearing about my trials and tribulations over the year, I love checking everyone's progress on this site.
Happy new year all, quiet day in my house for a change. I am concentrating on drinking more water and controlling calories to start with. The exercise plan starts from next week.
One week down and with mum going back into hospital I have not been able to be as organised as I had hoped.

Anyway a decent start with 3lb off, happy with slow and steady to be honest.