Frozen Veg


Hi All

I think I've tried every single diet on the planet this year and all I've done is get fatter and fatter and wear myself out yo-yoing! Sign :(
Anyway, I've been on and off the Rosemary Conley site for a while and I bought a whole load of Rosemary Conley foods to help me out, but I really want a site that has an app for my phone so I ended up subscribing to WW today rather than re-subscribing to RC.
The app so far is excellent!! Unfortunately, I have to subscribe on the French site so maybe can't enjoy the forums as much but small price to pay. I was dreading having to try and figure out the points of everything, but again, seems ok so far.

I thought that veg was free but what a great surprise finding out that fruit is too?!! I love my veggies but not so keen on fruit - but I reakon that will change soon! I used to begrudge having to log 50 or 100 cals for fruit on the RC regime when I only had between 1200 - 14000 to play with per day.
Sorry waffling;
Anyway, I just wanted to know for sure that fruit and veg is free; 0 points; and whether frozen veg is too? I tried to log some frozen veg but I had a choice of either 1 point or 3 points for the same product so have got a bit confused.
Thankyou :)
Hi Hun,

Ive tried every diet under the sun this year & have put weight on!! If I'm true 2 myself I've probably only bin sticking to em 70%. I've dun ww lots of times & keep cumin back to it. I've subscribed today & really want to stick to it. One day at a time & we can do it xxxx
Thanks whoopsadolly. If I'm honest, then I've probably been true to each diet for 70% of the time too (with the other 30 being seriously worrying greedy pig binges!! lol)
Go you; go me!