Funny little traits or just odd...

I have this 'thing' about banana skins. I hate picking them up if they have been left lying somewhere after the 'nana has been devoured. I have to put them straight in the bin or fire, and I have been known to get my DH to pick them up and throw them away for me! I have no idea why - they just make me shudder!

... But I'm not weird! :D
KittenKat said:
Oh my, where to start!!

I have a thing about the way toilet rolls are on the holder too - but I'm a down the back person, rather than over the top!

Pegs on the washing line have to match on each garment - I don't have a washing line where I'm living at the moment, just an airer that I use to dry things on, but I drive my mother insane when I do laundry at theirs!

DVDs and CDs MUST be in alphabetical order in my place - thankfully this is now far easier that the CDs are all loaded onto the external hard drive and in storage!

If I'm reading a book, no matter how tired I am or what the interuption is, I must get to the end of the chapter, whether it be physical book or my kindle.

And now apparently my weirdest one -Volume on the car stereo/stereo/computer speakers/tv - MUST be on an even number, I get all antsy if it's on an odd number and can't settle at all. My ex used to really pee me off in the last few months when he was home full time (as opposed to being on military base) as he would change it when I was out of the room specifically to wind me up - and he used to wonder why I got really narky with him. Once or twice is fine as a joke but constantly, that's just asking for a smack in the chops. In hindsight, now I wish I had!

Why do people find it so funny to change it, my other half constantly does in the car, apparently it's "not right" that I physically feel sick if its on an even number?! X
Hubby does the toilet roll thing too!

The only thing I'm fanatical about is putting my wedding ring on right. We have the date engraved on the inside and it has to go on the same way that it was put on when I was married (I don't wear mine indoors, never have done!)

Oh and I have to check that everything is unplugged and doors locked twice before going out! My husband actually thinks I have a problem with this, but on talking to people, it all seems normal to me!! ;) And when hanging washing out, I have to turn everything in the right way, can't have it hanging out inside out!!
I have a funny quirk which I have never told anyone about. If I go into the kitchen to clean up I have to do 10 things and then stop. So emptying the dishwasher is one, filling it is two, putting things away maybe three, rubbish out four and so on until I get to 10. If I run out of things to do I have to make up 'jobs' so that I can get to 10. I do this everywhere, whetehr it be the living room, bathroom anywhere. Once I start to pick anything up or do anything I then have to do 10 things!
I just had to add my weird little ways...

I have at least 300 books and they are all in order (by author and if I have more than one by that author the titles are in order too) They all have to be paperback so they don't look out of place!

If I think I'm going to have an argument or serious conversation with someone I go through it all in my head before it happens. My friends laugh that I make up these arguments in my head!

I sniff cutlery before I use it. I've been known to sniff it and send it back at a restaurant for new ones until they smell right!

Cash in my purse all has to be the right way around and in order

My sister has a weird one with her cigarettes... when she opens a new packet she takes the front middle one out, turns it around and saves that one til last "otherwise it's bad luck!"
I've had a week off, got to work yday and had to sort the wardrobe out! Some of the hangers were facing the wrong way...seriously why would you hook the hanger so it faces you? All that happens is your other clothes get hooked up and before lobg youve got creased clothes or stuff on the floor! Then there were jumpers in with the shirts, and short sleeves in with long! Grrr can't they see the system???

Claireybella said:
Sophie, I do things like that to regarding arguments/confrontations/meetings with my manager. I like to get it all clear in my head beforehand, so I don't get muddled once there or forget to say it!

I do too unfortunately I also make the faces and catch myself doing it sometimes! It's a wonder I'm allowed out unaccompanied! Lol