Gah! I can't remember if I ate it!


I took my ration from the frige along with a cup of tea. Definately drank the tea. I see that.

I don't remember eating my ration, but i might have done....

I looked in my bin, but there are a few rations in there. None of them cold...but I did drink all the cold stuff so it might not be a cold packet anyway.

I checked all where I've been. Can't find it. I don't feel full, but then I never do on rations. I keep thinking I still need to eat it.

I feel like I'm going loopy.....:confused::sigh:
One of the suggestions that Paul McKenna makes in his 'I can make you thin' book and CD is that you give your full attention to whatever you are eating so that you are fully conscious of how much you are taking in - I think it's a good idea as I have lost track in the past of how many biscuits/ chunks of chocolate etc. I have eaten because I have been watching the TV or on the computer and just eating like a machine with no thought to what I am putting in my mouth (same tactic as the bucket of popcorn at the cinema - we eat automatically without thinking about it as our minds are occupied by the film). As anyone doing CD is on a restricted quantity of food anyway, I think it is even more important to eat 'consciously', otherwise we may forget and feel like we are (even more) deprived :rolleyes:
I found half a Malt toffee bar in my work bag a couple of weeks ago after I thought I had eaten it and it made my day :D
Oh yeah. I have seen that PMcK series! t'was good.

Must pay more attention.

Am pretending I don't care that I may or may not have lost my ration. I am trying to convince myself that I drank it...somehow. Power of osmosis or something. It's ok though...I still have to have my frozen chocolate tetra. cream.
Would it work if you counted what you had left?

i kept a diary when i was on cambridge ( coming back soon ) and i wrote doen what i had and the time i had it as soon as i finished a pack so i could keep track of my meals. i also kept count of my water too as im very scatterbrained
Well, have you discovered if you've lost it or drunk it?
Would it work if you counted what you had left?

x I always have a few extra rations lurking about incase of wanting some frozen ones, or different flavours or I've put them in a bag somewhere. :rolleyes:

i kept a diary when i was on cambridge ( coming back soon ) and i wrote doen what i had and the time i had it as soon as i finished a pack so i could keep track of my meals. i also kept count of my water too as im very scatterbrained

Mmm...I did keep a track on my water, but that soon got forgotten. Must pay more attention! Hehe, glad it worked for you though.:D

Well, have you discovered if you've lost it or drunk it?

Nope, it remains a mystery to this day....:sigh: luckily, I'm still alive. I guess I'll only know if one day I come across it all foosty and minging in a shoe somewhere.:eek:
This is just too funny Nicole! :doh:

You'll probably find it somewhere strange in a few days..... Hope it doesn't go smelly! :8855: