Gail's diary and thoughts on her SW journey

Just calling in to say hi and thanks for the helpful comments on my diary. I will take some time over the next few days and read right through your journal, I have a feeling I could learn a lot! You have done SO well... really inspiring.

Thanks so much for the support and also thanks to Bess for looking out for me!

Oh my gosh, I've been reading everyone else's (well, some people's !) diaries and neglecting my own. Thanks Bess, Spanx, Dawn and Katycakes for looking out for me (I hope I didn't miss any other posters before that - I'll go back and check later).

Having a good weekend. I had a meal out on Thursday which I did ok on (not fantastic, but great considering what I really wanted to eat !) and then takeaway last night with my sister at which I did pretty well :). And I have lost 1.5lbs (was probably more like 2lb but I got up a bit later than usual today so I have taken the conservative number). So this is my last weigh in now before my big foodie weekend. I will gain next week (that is not in doubt), the question is how much ??? On my previous big weekends, I have only gained 1 or 2lbs but previously big foodie weekends have been Friday and Saturday nights then weigh in on Monday. This weekend is big meals Saturday, Sunday AND Monday, then weigh in Tuesday - eeeeek ! So, I am prepared for a very big gain (? up to 6 or 7 lbs ??? more ?). However I know (and said to Spanx) that the morning after a big meal (never mind a big weekend) is always a significant gain for me which often comes off very quickly. So I am expecting a big gain (and probably to lose my 5 stone shiny, hopefully not my 4.5 stone shiny as well !) but will work VERY hard to get it off by the next weeks weigh in. And I will enjoy the weekend.

I have to go now to go and visit my neighbour in hospital. Will be back later (hopefully).

Thanks for everyone's support.

Gail x
Oh well done Gail 1.5, nearly 2lbs! You have such a sensible attitude to next weekend and I'm sure you'll be fine. xx
I agree with Bess. A good loss this week, and next, well you can only do your best. We all want to hear about what you had, where you went etc. I'm sure you won't make too big a dent in your loss so far though. Just enjoy and savour it. It would be such a shame if you didn't.

Well done on your loss this week though.

Have had a good day today. Eaten lots of food (again) but stuck to plan (eaten all 15 syns though !). Planning to have a chocolate HiFi bar to finish off my green day today :)

Been busy - have been to the hospital to visit my neighbour who looked much better than I thought he would. I think he'll be in the hospital a few days though.

Saw a neighbour I haven't seen for months and months (which is a bit stupid really as he only lives across the road). When he saw me he said 'Wow, you look really different' - there seemed no point in prolonging the agony so I just said that I'd lost a lot of weight. Cue lots of compliments which made me feel good. Saw another neighbour (who I also haven't seen for a while) and got more compliments. So good day :)

However, no exercise for several days (not good). I had wanted to go out on a longer run today but no time :(. No time tomorrow (probably) which isn't good. Aaaaargh.

I am really excited about this week. With my fashion styling thing on Wednesday and then a lovely (read expensive !!) weekend to come. Yay. Unfortunately have to work all week (including Friday) before then - Booo ! However I have realised that it is only about 7 weeks until I go away on holiday and I have no holiday clothes to wear - eeeeek. Need casual/light trousers (I don't 'do' shorts) and a swimming cossie because I don't have anything like that to fit. Oh dear. Too much to do, too little time.

Ho hum. Better get back to sorting the house out.

Gail x
Hi Gail,

Another good day...well done you :party0049:

Goodness, you have such alot going on in the nest few weeks! I should think the weight is gonna FALL off're gonna be on the go quite a bit :superwoman:

How nice to get so many compliments today...but you do really deserve them hun!

Take care,

love Dawn xx
7 weeks to hols = 7 weeks to look for lovely new cossie & summer clothes... enjoy! Yay to the compliments, too!

Woohoo! Well done for your loss! Your weight loss is so inspiring.
You must be so excited about your vacation! I know I would be. I'd love to go away, but I am so focussed at losing at the moment - the task is mammoth in itself - that I know if I were to go away and gain even a few pounds it'd set me back more emotionally than it would physically. I'm trying to put my (work) US trip off until November, (originally planned for June) as I'm still not that confident at the moment. As soon as I have lost more weight, I know I'll be more comfortable. It's so tough!
Hope you have a great week... just think, long weekend in a few days! Yay! Xx
You can't really buy many clothes yet can you for your holiday? Hm...They'll all be too big if you buy now...xx
Thanks Pinkie, Chelsea, Bess, Dawn and Lil Sausage,

Unfortunately your confidence is me has been a bit misplaced. I am feeling VERY ashamed. In fact I thought about not posting here but I thought I need to come back and reread some of my positive posts and this needs to be a learning curve for me so I'm posting my negative stuff too.

Yesterday was a very bad day. It started ok but then I felt a bit 'munchie' in the afternoon - don't know why ???? hormonal ??? (not * week though). So I had about 6 Alpen lights - I wasn't hungry, I had a good lunch, I just felt a bit munchie (usually an evening feeling for me). Then in the evening I was at my parents house for a big family celebration. That was ok, although I picked a little bit at stuff that I didn't need. But overall the day would have been ok. But then I came home and ate LOTS of chocolate (really lots - way worse than the 'hot cross bun fiasco'). I should have just had a bit but I didn't and kept going back for more. I am sooo stupid. I haven't counted how many syns but I dread to think.

So now this week is a pivotal week for me. I know I'm going to gain this week and gain A LOT (as much because weigh in is so close to the big meals out as much as anything else) but what happens before and after that is down to me. I can stick to the plan until Saturday and try and 'make up' for the damage I've done yesterday as much as possible, then go away for the weekend, have a great time, have the expected gain (no matter how big it is) and then get straight back on plan and lose it within a couple/3/4 weeks or I can continue to make stupid choices this week, have an even bigger gain at the weekend and then find it difficult to get back on plan next week. The choice is mine.

So, the plan:

1. Try to keep my syns as low as possible this week (but if I need to use them then I will). So 0-15 syns per day.
2. One day at a time. Today needs to be completely and utterly on plan. Then tomorrow I'll deal with tomorrow
3. Don't try not to eat too much. If I need to eat (on plan), I will eat and I will not try to cut back my portions this week.
4. This weekend is different from this week. I can't control this weekend - the meals out anyway (and probably wouldn't want to because it will be yummy) but I can control this week. So I will try.

Next week will also be a challenge but at least the challenge should take me on a downward track in terms of weight rather than upwards.

So, (I hope) that I am back on track. I am ashamed because I am usually so good and a little anxious (because this was the worst 'bad episode' for ages and ages) and I seem to have a few more 'bad' episodes recently than I would want which worries me that this is a downward spiral. I will post later at how the day goes and sorry to anyone who is reading :(

Gail x
Hi Gail

A big hug for your honesty - and this is not the end! You can sort it and it sounds like you are.
When my husband was giving up smoking he got into this cycle. Not smoke not smoke not smoke for weeks. Then he would have one, and feel miserable because he caved and took up smoking again.
His big epiphany moment was when he realised he could have one every now and again and that did not make him a smoker. He was still a non smoker who had a couple a year ... This freed him to stop! He could realise that he hadn't blown it, he would just not smoke the next day.

It's actually a good story but hard to write down so I hope it made sense! One bad day does not mean anything in the bigger scheme of things.
You are right, just do today, no point worrying about tomorrow, it has enough worries of it's own!
Have a good day today and check in with us later
Hi Gail,

Firstly, apology WON'T be accepted cos its neither WANTED or DESERVED by ANY of us reading yr diary!!! And you certainly shouldn't be feeling like it is xx

Well, you have it all sussed lady! It's all there, in your post! No need for us to try and tell you what to do...just support and encourage you while you do it xx.

Only thing I would say to do different would be to have at least 5 syns a day. They're part of the plan, and you don't want to be unnecessarily hard on yourself xx

Thanks for being so honest Gail. I think whilst you give inspiration to everyone with your wonderful weightloss, your post will show those of us that fall off now and again that its normal. And that we can pull it back again with some grit and determination! Just like you xx

Have a good day hunni xx

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You are such an amazing inspiration, Gail, I hope that one day of being a bit off plan doesn't make you feel too bad. Honestly, you've come so far, and the fact that your first thought is minimising any damage/getting back on plan shows just how far you've come. It's brilliant!
The whole point of this plan is so that you can still have a good time, but every now and then we ALL need a blow out. I mean, if your diet dictates that you can't go out for a weekend with friends without feeling bad about it, then that is no way to live. You don't do it every weekend, and you're so good at just picking up where you left off. Positivity! Sending hugs your way xx
As the others have said Gail - you know, its just one or two days in a lifetime journey, on their own they are fairly insignificant. Like with Jules and her weekend, you know what to do, you have the proven tools - life is there to lived, and occasionally that doesn't quite fit in with SW. We are all the same though, every one of us beats ourselves up when we go off plan. The thing is we never give up. And if you, we, never give up, we will keep getting back on the SW bike and enjoy the ride until we get to where we want to be. Xx
Hi Gail - well done on 'fessing up to your blow out!

We've been doing this for a long time now and yet we're both realising that the demons that caused us to get where we were have not disappeared. The temptation to think 'well, I know I'm going to have a gain this week because of X, so I might as well not bother' will always be there. The foods that we thought provided 'comfort' are still the foods that we reach for when we're stressed/anxious/bored.

You are doing exactly the right thing by facing up to it and, even more importantly, planning a strategy to not let it beat you!

I know you can do it and you know you can do it...

So, have a 'normal' week until your weekend, don't skimp too much on syns and definitely not on portion sizes and then enjoy your weekend. You'll be ready to get back on the wagon next week, I know!

Thank you SOOOOO much. I feel a lot better now. Had a good day. Have been out for a 25 min run (wow !) and eaten well but sensibly (so far but not feeling in any way like bingeing). Off out now without having had tea but will eat later.

Thanks again all. Much appreciated. I am human after all !!!

Will post again later.

Gail x

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So, (I hope) that I am back on track. I am ashamed because I am usually so good and a little anxious (because this was the worst 'bad episode' for ages and ages) and I seem to have a few more 'bad' episodes recently than I would want which worries me that this is a downward spiral. I will post later at how the day goes and sorry to anyone who is reading :(

Gail x

Aww Gail, it just happens and sometimes there is no rhyme nor reason to it. As you know I sometimes still binge eat (usually through stress as I use food to bury my emotions) but I always come out fighting the other side :) All I can say is, dont beat yourself up over it, its done now and you cant take it back. Just continue with your 4 point plan that I saw a few posts back and you'll be fine - promise :D

Remember, in the grand scheme of things one bad day out of about the 200+ days that you have succesfully completed since you started SW is not even a ripple in the pond - at most its a little plop! :p
Gail you are an inspiration to us all so please don't think for one moment that you have anything to apologise for. You are only human. I hope that you have a fantastic weekend, you deserve it and when you come back you know how to deal with a gain if you have one. Big hug flying your way. x