Gaining throughout the day


Full Member
I know our weights vary throughout the day as we eat and remove waste but what is considered to be a normal variation? My weight can be as much as 5lb different between morning and evening (with all other factors such as clothing, temperature, position of scales etc taken into account). If I've forgotten to weigh in the morning it can be VERY demotivating to see an evening readout but if I don't step on the scales once a day I feel guilty (I have no idea why - and I'm only obsessed with the scales when I'm dieting).
IMHO daily weighing can really mess with your mind!

In attack I weighed myself daily, every morning after a pee and before i ate. This way you remove the many factors that can affect weight through the day. If you miss it, weight the next day.

After that, I would say weigh once or twice a week if you can, same way.

Scales can be a blessing and curse. If we don't see what we want it can send us on a crazy spiral. No one knows what you weigh except you - real measures are in the cm's, dress sizes dropping, seeing your collar bones for the first time etc. Try not to focus on the weight all the time. Too many factors can affect it!

Hope this helps, and is only my opinion :)

I agree, weighing can become an unhelpful habit! i try to stick to once a week but I have noticed that some weeks the scales don't budge but my clothes feel better, curious isn't it!
I think when and how often you weigh comes down to personal choice - for some weighing daily keeps them on the straight and narrow but for others seeing a stall or gain demotivates and so weekly weighing is better. The most important thing is to weigh at the same time and in the same conditions. For me it's first thing in the morning, naked and after using the toilet.
A 5 lb variation between a morning and evening weight seems to be pretty normal

If you forget to weigh in the morning try to hold on to the next day.
Thank you, Atropos. I have ti weigh myself when on a diet no idea why probably a bit OCD just like getting up to check I've turned the bathroom light off three times! However, you responded to the question I asked - is 5lb normal. If it is then I have nothing to worry about. Dont know how I got it in my head it was a 2lb variation thought the day. :)
Id say 5lbs sounds about right depending on what you eat/drink/wear and how soon after eating/drinking you weigh as well.

I know in the book it says to weigh everyday but Ive already found it does my head in and will be opting for weekly weigh ins now!