Georgies, new start! wk 4:)

hi thanks :)

well the weekends over had a few treats like cakes over the weekend because I went to my grandmothers, but we did go out walking and with the dog too and got a bit lost!

yesterday has been a good day food wise, went for a carvery in the afternoon had a few problems with hunger last night but ate healtherly. I also went to the gym and burnt just over 500 calories.

Todays been a really good day went to see the film Australia with my friend, did quite a bit of walking too because we got lost, i dont know the area that well.

for breakfast had a grapefruit and a yogurt, I was getting sick of having cerials so changed my breakfast.

went a few hours not having anything so had a late lunch I had a almond cake and a capucino, I know not healthy but just a one off!

for dinner had salmon and veg

I weighed myself today and I've lost 4 pounds! so going to have to change my ticker!
Today had a busy day and went to the gym too.

Breakfast: grapefruit and yogurt

Lunch: scrambled egg and a slice of whole grain toast

snack: pear

Dinner: chips beans, fish fingers and a slice of wholegrain bread

I know the dinner wasnt healthy,I didnt make it anyway, but im not going to worry too much, i am just not looking forward to the weekend since ive had quite a few treats this week so will have to just say no to my grandmother, (somehow) lol.
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hi had a good day food wise! but I only managed an hour at the gym today, I should have gone a bit earlier, but nevermind.

Breakfast: oats so simple (porridge)

Lunch: cheese and onion pastery

Dinner: jacket potato with tuna and sweetcorn
Today I have been to the gym, yay!

Breakfast: fruit and fiber

Lunch: cheese and onion pastery

Dinner: (weight watchers recipe) egg and paster bake with salad and garlic bread.
thanks! your doing great too! I've had a great weekend of not eating any naughty things too!
ok todays been a bit boring I had to sort out my clothes because I have far too many and still my bed room is a mess!

anyway I've been on this forum quite alot today and went to the maintanace forum, I have had really bad problems after my first attempt at a diet because I kept on gaining 6 or 7 pounds and then looseing it again, so Im upping my protien and carbs slightly the infos on that forum. I also went to the gym today and I went on the bike last night.

today I've eaten

Breakfast: fruit and fiber

Lunch: haha a burnt hot cross bun that a house mate gave me!, a chocolate balls yogurt a banana

Dinner: a lasagna (quite a small portion)

(late night pudding) home made victoria spunge with apple jam
haha never thought about it!

today sorted the rest of my clothes out and went to the gym,

I ate

Breakfast: fruit and fiber and a slice of toast with peanut butter

lunch: pasta and a slice of bread

Dinner: chicken, coliflower and mash patato

felt hungrey after the gym so had greek yogurt with honey.
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Today I ate at all the wrong times because I woke up really late, and ive done no excersise today, hoping to go to the gym tomorrow, I just went to town today with a friend and bought jigsaw puzzles lol.

and guess what I had pasta again! lol, had it for dinner today.
hey! i'm reading your diary and i noticed some similarities, hehe..
we are both doing good but i bet we can do better! :)
good luck and see you latter ;)
thanks! we can do better, at least I know I can with the eating.

I've just realised I've got to keep up with the food diary,
I had a bit of a blip last night, I cooked fish and chips and there was a spare dinner, so last night went down stairs at 11 o clock to put the spare dinner in the fridge but there was no room in the fridge so I ended up eating it! boo hoo! I did do a bit on the excersise bike last night but it wasnt enough, compared to what I ate!
ok I've just weighed myself and its not good compared to the other day, I was almost at my lightest the other day!

I dont know weather its just a fluctuation or weather its because of last night, I know I keep stepping on the scales so my weigh in day is now going to be friday, anyway this results from WI has knocked my confidence a little bit, I've also started getting up a bit late again and this isnt good for my matabalism, any way here is what I ate today.

(12:00) weatabix minis

(4:00) gammon potatos and vege

(7:00) peanut butter on toast, 2 slices

I was just going to have 2 meals today then I realised eating less wont solve anything.
hey, eating 2 times is really not a solution, i know that, but i have problems to follow that aswell. i know it's more healty to eat like 5 or 6 smaller portions a day, but i offten end up with one big meal :( or two big meals, gotta try to change it somehow.
yeah we all have these problems sometimes oh well, at least its monday today so I can get back to my plan, the weekend wasnt as good as last weekend had a few treats even though I went to the gym saturday I had a pudding that was very high in calories :p.
oh I just weighed myself just to see and am now 10 st 2 :( oh well only hope that it will be ok on friday!
feeling positive today, ive been following the diet plan of 3 meals a day and did go to the gym on tuesday, and i did 30mins on the bike today, I also today bought a gym tracksuit from marks and spencers and a sports bra, after all this time!

I know the scales didnt show the right number on Monday but i didnt eat that much at the weekend so I'm not too botherd now, I was just having an off day when I weighed myself.
sports bra is something really important.. and sooooo comfy, since i got mine i can't imagine how it was possible for me to go to gym without it. :D i luv it! lol