Getting a grip

Yes, it makes a massive difference. It's also easier to motivate urself to actually go to the gym cos I know I'm not going to run out of fuel mid-exertion! X

Good stuff! I can't run on a VLCD x
Day 3 DD

No breakfast as not hungry

Lunch: smoked trout salad (250cals)

Dinner: 1 slice buttered toast (150cals)

Snack: slices Cooke ham (80csls)

Total 480 cals

Exercise: circuits 45 mins, spin 1 hour, cardio machines... Total cals burned 1110 cals

Good day overall. Not hungry. Did intend to have two salads but I fancied toast instead and it was delicious :)

My DOMS are getting worse! So out of shape :-/

Feet up now watching Commonwealth Games and then Big Brother ( I'm addicted to both!)

Hope things are going your way :) x


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Day 4 UD

Up early with best intentions to go to gym n spinning etc. then OH facetimed so I missed class. It's raining heavily so too wet for bike.

Not sure what plan B is yet. I'm dressed for some kind of exertion!

Had breakfast with OH kind of! He was drooling at the toast :)

Have a fabby day! X


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I'm still in my dressing gown! LOL. Have a fab UD. :)
Sounds like you're doing brilliantly and enjoying it which is fab - looking forward to a good catch up when I get back xx
Have you any exercise equipment at home or DVD's TH, Might as well do something seeing as your're dressed for it. Mind you it's the afternoon now so you have probably done something already! Well done what ever it was ;).

Are you doing the same as Cate with 2 consecutive days as UD'S x
Hi TH. Just seen you've moved over to JUDDD. Looks like you're enjoying it. I hope it works well for you and looking forward to hearing how well you lose weight.
Good morning from a lovely, sunny Livepool. Here to watch sister swim in the docks then go for cycle along route for next weeks Triathlon. I must remember there will be cars on the road today!

Have a great Sunday :) catch up later! X


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Have fun TH x
Have a great day TH! Hope you're more used to cleats now
Sounds like a good day TH. Why is your sister swimming in the Docks and what are cleats? I love Liverpool. This will be the first time in 9 years that I haven't brought a group of young offenders for the day.
Ah Liverpool, the city of my birth; looking good this morning. Hope you have a good day TH. How's your food been this weekend?
Sounds like a good day TH. Why is your sister swimming in the Docks and what are cleats? I love Liverpool. This will be the first time in 9 years that I haven't brought a group of young offenders for the day.

She was practising for a triathlon in two weeks and it was a race.

Cleats are attached to the bottom of a cycling shoe. It clips ur foot onto the pedal so that u can push and pull. You just gotta remember to unclipped before u come to a standstill or u fall over because ur feet are stick to the pedals!

Liverpool is fab :) x


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She was practising for a triathlon in two weeks and it was a race.

Cleats are attached to the bottom of a cycling shoe. It clips ur foot onto the pedal so that u can push and pull. You just gotta remember to unclipped before u come to a standstill or u fall over because ur feet are stick to the pedals!

Liverpool is fab :) x

Don't think I'd dare cycle using those! Lovely picture - is that your sister in the water?