Getting a grip

Thanks for the input ladies :)

I got the purple dress for a Xmas do when the dress I was supposed to be wearing mysteriously became too tight. That was my emergency fat dress purchase which I wore n felt horrendously fat in. Now I'm glad I can get it on and get another wear out of it. I also feel good in it. Funny how perspectives can change?! X
Day 40.

Took OH to airport this morning at 6am :( headed to gym on way back. Went to spin class and then burned 200cals on cardio machines then came home. Heart not in it. But did enjoy spin with carbs in my system. What a difference. Felt energised! So different when on packs.

Another 1lb on today. That's 5 1/2lb in a week of eating which isn't too bad cos normally I could double that, easily.

Today is my last food day. Got a ball tonight which has a 3 course meal. Ill have a drink but I'm not planning on too much.

Plan is onto TS tomorrow despite staying in a hotel tonight, with breakfast included. Hopefully I won't be too hungover and have breakfast! I'm actually looking forward to my sachets again. They are so simple and uncomplicated and they are just the right amount.

So I'm pretty chuffed with my week of food. I would normally make really terrible choices with lots if secret eating and stashes of crap, This time I made about 60% good choices and about 40% bad choices. That's great for me, it really is. I know I did well because I've got half a loaf in the bread bin and lurpak in the fridge. I'd scoff that until it was gone. Completely gone. It's unusual for bread to last in my house. I also had no alcohol. Normally I'd have lots to drink. Think OH thinks I've been taken over by aliens!

So what will I do differently next time OH is home to improve a bit more? I'll have a bit less. So in the Indian, I'll just have chicken tikka instead of mixed tandoori because it's way too much. I'll eat when OH eats. This time I had a bit of toast or something when really I didn't need to. He never eats crap outside of meal times. I'll try to do the same. I'll also continue the gym when I'm eating and if I have alcohol I'll have a little vodka diet coke as opposed to cider! I never had any alcohol this time but I prob will next time, just now and again.

Yesterday's food: we went to a steak house. I had chateaux briand. Lush. Next time I have that I could order salad instead of fries. Make myself feel blessed at having a gorgeous bit of meat. I did leave half if the fries because I was stuffed. Normally I'd force them down. I ate all the salad. Then I had remainder of the birthday cake. The old me is still here. I thought I could be immune to that cake. That I could throw it out. But no. I ate it. I also had 2 slices of toast later on (like a 'I'd better have a final bit if toast before TS') normally I'd have 4 slices of toast. Two pale bits while I'm waiting on 2 bits being almost burnt. I'd sit down with 2 slices on my plate but really I'd eaten 4. I guess I have gotten a wee bit better.

God, I've gone on a bit today haven't I?!

Have a fabulous day and keep faithful to your cause. It is worth it :) can't wait till I'm on TS and back in ketosis with u all!

Hope my food posts haven't been too bad to read. I just wanted a record of what I ate so I can read back when OH is home again!

Adios! X
You have done so bloody well, 5.5lb really is nothing and will be gone in no time!

I'm very proud of you and am sending pats on the back and big hugs, I so know what you are like for bread so the fact it's still in your house and not in your stomach is some achievement :)

Enjoy your day and have the best time tonight, give your dancing toes a good workout xx
You've done so well and great to see you recognising your old habits :) keep up the good work
Day 41

No weigh in today because I stayed in Liverpool last night. Great night. Absolutely fantastic. Met loads if lovely people. Danced my socks off. Well and truly! Did some weight lifting too (the Scottish Premier league cup) Rolled into bed about 5.00am at sun-up! After party was at the place we are staying so it was full on :-/

Got loads of compliments on my dress and my hair. One cheeky guy said I looked 'blooming sexy' I'm taking that as a compliment even if the comment was fuelled by alcohol!

Had nowt to eat right up until meal. We had soup n small bit of bread, chicken, tatties n veg and then a retro pudding if jelly n ice cream. Alcohol wise I severely restricted my intake but it was still too much. Not sure how my head feels! Brother was well known at the place last night so folks kept buying us drinks without asking. I had them lined up. Was crazy. I had a Buck's Fizz on arrival, about 3 glasses white wine and probably 4 vodka diet cokes. Probably about 4, probably doubles. I refused to drink most of the ones bought for me. Id be dying today. Funny how folk try to force you to drink?!

Anyway, I think I'm going to have to eat breakfast because I have to drive home so I'll need something to soak up the alcohol. Big time! We'll see what's on offer...

So today, it's shopping with Katie. I might need another vodka! God knows what I'll look like today. I have no brush with me!

Hope the sun is shining wherever you are and that you are on top :) have a great day... X
Sounds like a great night! :)
Great night by the sounds of it TH. Hopefully you used up most of your calories dancing the night & early hours of the morning away!

Please tell me you had a bit of a lay in this morning.

Enjoy the shopping trip, I think you will be getting an early night tonight lol.

By the way you did amazingly well on this food week so well done. xx
Not surprised. Nice relaxing evening for you x
Thanks for a brill day, hope you're now in the middle of a well earned deep sleep xx
Day 42 lost 1/14lb.

Not sure how that happened because I've been boozing n eating since last weigh in on Sat morning (albeit in a more controlled way)

So at the end of my week and 2 days of eating, I've only had a gain of 4 1/4lb in all. Happy with that.

Today I start TS again. Looking forward to it :) haven't been drinking much water so best start now!

Have a great day :) x
That's great news. That'll be gone before you know it. :)
What a result TH, well worth having some time off the diet with hubby.

Hope today's not tough on you xx
Lol I'd gain more than 4 1/4lb just by thinking about what you've had - the exercise, no alcohol and mostly moderated diet has done you proud - in fact you've done you proud xx
That's a great result! It could be off in a week! :)
Hurray to the 11's - you've done fab :D

See you soon xx
Well done TH. Going in the right direction xx