Getting into the 8's!

Baby-belle said:
Thanks I'm trying with the low carb thing and I've had time today to prepare things it makes such a dofference

I plan to do the low carb ww thing - but haven't yet as losing whilst eating sensible amount of carbs - its up my sleeve for later!
Lovehatecarbs said:
I plan to do the low carb ww thing - but haven't yet as losing whilst eating sensible amount of carbs - its up my sleeve for later!

Lol my sleeve has run out so this is the last option, I'm doom high protein/low carb gi only started Monday but become of my long shifts I have been carby in places as they are easy but ive been finding recipie an stuff I just need to be more organised
Baby-belle said:
Lol my sleeve has run out so this is the last option, I'm doom high protein/low carb gi only started Monday but become of my long shifts I have been carby in places as they are easy but ive been finding recipie an stuff I just need to be more organised

I lost weight on low carb and 2 dress sizes before having my daughter - however eventually I decided strawberries and double cream for breakfast must be bad!! (very yummy though) - I've tried to do low carb healthily - but always end up with double cream!!! I'll def give it a go with ww points soon as losing whilst eating ww biscuits and cakes can't last forever!!
Lovehatecarbs said:
I lost weight on low carb and 2 dress sizes before having my daughter - however eventually I decided strawberries and double cream for breakfast must be bad!! (very yummy though) - I've tried to do low carb healthily - but always end up with double cream!!! I'll def give it a go with ww points soon as losing whilst eating ww biscuits and cakes can't last forever!!

I've not gone for cream ha ha as I'm sticking to low fat and gi to, for these last 9lbs I want to find something that's not drastic and that I can maintain as I got 3lbs lighter after Xmas and obviously I couldn't maintain it so I'm trying to find the right way to do this!
Hi all i know this is the ww section but I've finally made a diary on the cal counting section it's baby belle's final countdown please add me for support :)
India_87 said:
Hi ladies, just found this thread, can I join? I'm quite petite at 5'5 and was happy and healthy at around 8st until about 8 months ago, the stress of my final year at uni coupled with moving back home has seen me gain over a stone and I'm now 9st 1, the heaviest I've been since 2009!! I cannot WAIT to get back into the 8s! How is everyone doing this week?
India x

Welcome!! Goid luck - I like this thread as I always feel (probably unfairly) that people with a lot to lose wouldn't understand how tough it is when you have less to lose or the impact of the extra weight for those of us who have been very slim. I was 7 something for years, put weight on out of nowhere dieted down to 8.10 when I got married in 2000 then without looking headed towards the 11's. I should be in the 8's really and feel closer than ever.
Hello! I know what you mean, I always feel a little weird about posting in some of the other threads when I don't have as much to lose, like I'm being ungrateful or something. Everyone is so lovely though and really supportive no matter what the goals are. But yeah I do feel a little guilty sometimes. What are your stats if you don't mind me asking? I've been looking for a buddy with similar stats/goals as me, this thread is probably the best bet.
Hi girls!!!

Thought I'd share my great news that I got to goal last night!!!

Well I changed it to 9st 2 so I could get there a touch quicker and stop paying haha so I'm still working to 9 but so happy I've finally done it!!!
gemelli said:
Hi girls!!!

Thought I'd share my great news that I got to goal last night!!!

Well I changed it to 9st 2 so I could get there a touch quicker and stop paying haha so I'm still working to 9 but so happy I've finally done it!!!

Well done!

I'm still miles away. :( x
Congratulations Gem! You're all so close too! xx you can do it :)

Maintaining is harder than losing though, lol ^^
I have heard that :s my points have only gone up a couple but I'm starting a new excercise regime. Any tips?
gemelli said:
Hi girls!!!

Thought I'd share my great news that I got to goal last night!!!

Well I changed it to 9st 2 so I could get there a touch quicker and stop paying haha so I'm still working to 9 but so happy I've finally done it!!!

Well done!!
India_87 said:
Hello! I know what you mean, I always feel a little weird about posting in some of the other threads when I don't have as much to lose, like I'm being ungrateful or something. Everyone is so lovely though and really supportive no matter what the goals are. But yeah I do feel a little guilty sometimes. What are your stats if you don't mind me asking? I've been looking for a buddy with similar stats/goals as me, this thread is probably the best bet.

I'm 5ft 1 and now 9st 2.8 and want to get to about 8.10 as a final goal. Waist is 31 haven't measured my hips for a while - too scary!! Let me know if there is anything you want to know.