Getting stressed...HELP!!!


Full Member
Right, I am 40 in May... :cry:

My husband has booked the local community hall for a party at the end of that month (birthday at the beginning BUT party needs to be on a rest weekend as we both work shifts as do many of our friends) I wanted a Glam Casino night & disco but thought that a "community hall" wouldn't be fitting???
Husband suggested fancy dress, which i also like the idea of but that can put people off..

I am going through the "should I have a party??" dilema

Then we thought I could have an intimate meal for very close friends the weekend of my actual birthday (about 10 of us) and then a lunch with family that same weekend...

Am I trying to have my cake and eat it?

Worried and stressed!!! Anyone been in same position?

What have you done for "big" birthdays??

BTW I have 2 small children to consider somewhere alone the line as well aged 5 & 2....
Can you not just have a standard party? Ie, no theme; just turn up in your best frock, have a boogie, sample the buffet and have a drink? Personally, I hate fancy dress parties and it would put me off going- especially this time of year when the last thing I want to do it spend money on a costume that I'll never wear again. I am a bit of a nark about it like. Sorry :(

I think you could get away with having a meal too, especially if they are a few weeks apart. If your close friends can't afford to go to both or are working one of the weekends they have an option then :)

We have big big occasions in our family. Party+ meal is standard for us, so I'm all for it!
Just jump in a plane and go to New York! - it's YOUR birthday, YOUR 40th - get yourself away, I know that's what I did;)
Me, OH, my sister & her boyfriend, a friend & her boyfriend all went to Vegas for 4 nights, it was amazing I had a fantastic time. I invited all my friends but the cost just put people off, but that's what I wanted to do & I did it.

Anyway, it's our 25th wedding anniversary in August, so I told OH I'd like a party. He doesn't like parties so said no (firmly); my idea wasn't a normal party, I wanted a proper party with games, dancing, buffet, jelly & ice cream etc, he still said no firmly.

So we compromised, I've always wanted to travel first class & we both love our holidays, so next year (left it too late for this year), just me & OH are flying first class to Moscow, taking the tran-siberian train to Bejing, stopping off in Russia & Mongolia, taking the train from Bejing to Tibet, staying a few days in Tibet & back to Manchester (first class).

So we are both happy. Do what you want to do, if people don't want to dress up they won't if they don't want to come they won't, the most important thing is you, do what you want to do otherwise you may regret it.

Have a fab time & tell us what you've decided to do:D
Maximus said:
Just jump in a plane and go to New York! - it's YOUR birthday, YOUR 40th - get yourself away, I know that's what I did;)

Funny you should say that, hubby and I are doing just this twrds end of year as joint 40th treat.... Just us, no kids.
Oh, you're sharing my dilemma, just a few months earlier. I don't know whether to have a party with a band (friends from all diff directions plus family will mean I feel like I have to look after everyone, not to mention the preparation / organisation / etc.) or have quieter drinks / food for whoever wants to buy themselves a pub meal in my local but invite everyone (still a social nightmare) or do something proper quiet (stay at nice hotel with partner and close friends if they want a break as well - this will mean I feel like I've left people out, or just keep quiet and hope everyone forgets it.

Every one's a loser!! What a pain.

I do want to be slim and fit on my 40's though - that much I'm sure of!!
Lucky 7 that's exactly it.... And slim and healthy is my primary objective.

Part of me wishes someone else would take the decision away, whisk me away or plan and organise my party, but hubby is rubbish at keeping secrets (generally I'm pleased about this) and I'm such a control freak that I'd prob want different to whatever was organised. Nightmare eh....