Getting To Know You

I'm 34, but to me that still counts as being in my late 20s :rolleyes:. I work in a University, where I've been for 11 years, doing finance. I'm engaged and been with my partner for 12 years (why rush!).

I've got my mum's build and when my sisters are willowy is quite annoying! Oh and as the name suggests I'm a ginger!

No kids, no pets, I have enough of an issue looking after myself! I'm a bit of a book worm and love good music and crime drama!

That's all I can think of at the moment - it's still early after all!
I'm 30, live on my own (plus pets) in Edinburgh. I work as an account manager in an online marketing agency.

I have 4 dogs (rescue retired greyhounds) they are called Millie, Mouse, Ziggy and Willow.

I also have 3 pet rabbits who live in the garden called Lulu, Jessica and Ollie. Ollie is the latest and was a stray found by a friend :)
Hi everyone. My names Marie Joy or Ree as my close friends call me. I'm 24 and still live at home but hopefully found the perfect house which me and a friend will hopefully be moving into by April which will be exciting even tho I will be poor. Me and my long term bf broke up last august and if I'm honest I've struggled to move on since. I've moved around a hell of a lot due to my step dad being in the army so I've lived in germany, Colchester, Preston, tidworth, Andover, grove and now wantage in Oxfordshire. So I don't really have any roots so who knows where I will eventually end up. I have worked for a company called Phs who you all will have heard of even if you didn't realise it for almost 5 years. Check out the public toilets and Phs is bound to be in most of them. I work as a sales support executive which is just posh for answering the phone and admin work. This was never my dream job. I always wanted to be an astronaught haha. I love trying new things expecially if it involves adrenaline and my treat to myself once I get to my goal weight will be a skydive :D I have no pets (but I want a seahorse) no children. Don't smoke. GSOH lmao like a dating entry. I'm young free and single and looking forward to a possitive happy healthy future.
Sorry this turned into an essay lol
Hi everyone, so nice to see this as only joined this week and been desperate to know someone in the same boat as me-not got strong LLL friends yet.

I'm 28, live in Hampshire and work at a publishing house there as a Project Editor for Chemistry. Do loads of other projects but basically my job is to make authors write and get manuscripts in and made into books and published. I live with my boyfriend, we've been together for 4 years but only recently moved in to same area-many weekends of driving and weeks of lonely living alone In a flat. But finally we have a place and it's made my life so
Much better and that's what jolted me to do this for ME - it's the last bit of the puzzle. I've got a little cat called Archie and he is spoiled. Used to like running but mainly doing dancing and zumba-when I can be bothered after work all day.

I want children in the next few years, and I want to be fit and healthy before that happens with no psychological weight issues :) hi hi! Xx
Hi. I turned 40 last year. I'm married (our ten-year anniversary is this year) to my lovely four-years-younger husband. We 'met' on yahoo chat when it was still about chatting and not just flirting! He has sadly recently retired from teaching on I'll-health grounds as he has multiple sclerosis (diagnosed in the first year after we married). We have two children: one almost six and one who's two. I am Head of Production for one of the most famous medical/scientific journals in the world. I work in London. For a long time we lived in Streatham but eventually moved further out and now live somewhere really pretty. I feel i have the best of both worlds: the fast pace and excitement of London during the week and my lovely, peaceful, home evenings and weekends.

No pets at the moment as my cat sadly died just before Christmas. Planning to get two cats later in the year though!

I also should have been an artist and have recently started drawing and painting again.
Im 32, i work in london at a famous childrens hospital as a clinical nurse specialist.
I live in hertfordshire with my boyfriend and two sons archie (4) and harry (2).
No pets although archie is desperate for a hamster x
Hi all. Stumbled across this forum researching lighterlife. I have my first meeting on Tuesday, and am looking forward to it and dreading it at the same time!! I desperately need to lose weight and hope this time I will succeed!

Anyway....I'm a 30 year old single parent to three young children. I am a student nurse, after deciding that accountancy was no longer for me.

Looking forward to making this journey with you all x
Nice to meet everyone! :)
And good luck with your start on Tuesday LC. Two of my friends are starting on Tuesday too! One doing Total, the other Lite. I seem to have inspired them to take matters into their hands!
Great! The more the merrier! :)

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Thanks magiclove. My friend did LL in 2008 she looks fantastic. She is my inspiration, if she can do it, then so can I!!

I'm looking to lose around 5 stone; finding it really difficult to get my head around the fact that if I stick at this, the weight could have gone by the end of the summer.
You will!
Just take each day at a time. I remember how terrified I was when I first started but honestly I have made the best decision in my life when I chose LL. It is so worth it! :)

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Good luck Last Chance,
You've got the right mind set. I'm sure you'll do well.
It's always good to have a real person to inspire you and let you know you CAN do it.