So, distilled spirits are technically zero carb but alcohol is burned off before any other energy (sugar, fat etc)

Would the occasional G&T when out for drinks be a massive staller? Or is it a case of different people react differently again, like most things?

Although not sure I'd ever be able to stop at one :)

What do Atkins people drink in pubs aside from water??
It's a different people react differently thing - plenty of people will tell you that gin/vodka etc don't stall them.

I don't and can't drink at all anymore but will say that from reading a few different forums, drinking regularly looks like a huge reason people stall, to me.

But! I don't think an occasional drink will hurt! It's whether you can keep to that and whether alcohol lowers your resistance to staying off the carby foods that really makes the difference!

Oh and - on the rare occasions I go to pubs I have diet coke. People usually assume its a mixer.
I have soda water with ice and a slice ... Looks like g&t and the fiz makes it feel more of a proper drink...
Rum and soda - very atkins friendly, no sweetners to stall and a nice long drink:)
i used to have gin and slimline when i went out, and at first i didn't think it hurt my diet, but after a time, i did notice that i would stop losing. i think that we start off with our list of rules and stick to them religiously, then after time our rule book gets a bit worn around the edges and little habits creep in here and there. so i had to stop the gins and look at what i was doing to see if i was over doing anything. i stopped having milk in my tea, i cut out the alcohol and weight loss started again. i guess, a little bit of what you fancy doesn't really do you any harm, but a habit becomes harder to break and starts to take over a little without us realising. if your having a drink clear spirits are the best thing and obviously slimline mixers etc we all have to be sociable now and then and enjoy ourselves.