(Girls) Period Weight Gain help!!


Full Member
I checked my weight today its gone up 6lb from yesterday i'm so upset i have my weigh in on Tuesday and I know I'm going to be dissapointed. i started my period day before yesterday and my friend said it was water weight from period. any tips on how to lose the weight before tuesday?
I checked my weight today its gone up 6lb from yesterday i'm so upset i have my weigh in on Tuesday and I know I'm going to be dissapointed. i started my period day before yesterday and my friend said it was water weight from period. any tips on how to lose the weight before tuesday?

Drink lots and lots of water, believe it or not it helps water retention. Lots of people still lose when they're on their period, don't stress x
I have a problem with retaining water as well. I have read up on loads of things such as mentioned above drink loads of water. Dandelion tea also works as it's a natural diuretic and you can find it it Pukka cleanse tea? And Twinings detox tea? both of those brands have a tea with them it in. Or you can do what I did and I bought cheap very useful and works pills currently on offer in Sainsbury's 3 for 2. Each jar has 50 pills for £2 and you take 4 a day. They are called HRI water balance and if you google like I did all you get is rave reviews. 100% so shouldn't affect anyone unless pregnant or breastfeeding.

Totally recommend them, but suggest from experience that you take the pills with breakfast and lunch otherwise loads of trips to loo during the evening and night.
Same thing happens to me, Smashleigh20. It's dispiriting, isn't it? My last period has lasted 17 long bloated days, so I was 2lbs up on WI and could have cried! But thankfully that (and scanbran cake related constipation!) seem to be passing, so I'm focussing on getting my superfree at the mo. Chin up :eek:
While it is annoying, it'll be gone by next week. Drink lots of water, continue with the plan and next week you'll see an even bigger loss! I always gain on my period week. Try not to let it stress you out x
I do SW at home and kinda can't believe women pay £5 1/4 of the time to have an obvious period gain WI :/
For me I've recently realised that the water weight often goes a few days into the period, so Tuesday might not be so bad after all!

Definitely drink lots of water though- our body retains the water because it needs more than usual for the blood, etc we are losing (not sure how factual this is though lol!) so if you put effort into being extra hydrated it should prevent some of the storage of water as you are replenishing it :)
I do SW at home and kinda can't believe women pay £5 1/4 of the time to have an obvious period gain WI :/

Everyone's body works in different ways - I've never gained because of 'star' week. We are always advised to look at weight loss over the month rather than week to week because of fluctuations, so why not carry on going to group and paying £5?
I have mine this week and know i will likely have a gain, but i will still go and pay because the WI is a small part of the class. The discussion and support afterwards is a big help i feel.
i actually lost 2.5lb! only week 2 so maybe still riding the starting weeks big loss lol, but i have been drinking lots of tea and water too
I'm the same...gained 1lb on 'star' week but the week after I lost 7.5lbs and did nothing different, I just lost all the water I was retaining. Stick with it....you will see the results within the month :)