
Silver Member
Well, check out my stats on the left there. I have a BMI under 30, I'm officially one pound under my goal weight, set when I was clinically (or morbidly....such a lovely word) obese. I've done it!

After my holidays 3 weeks ago I didn't weigh in, I was so nervous! But today I went to Boots in the cold and the rain to find I've succeeded. I didn't read the display on the weighing machine, I took the ticket, walked out, walked down the road until I was alone and THEN looked! It could so easily have read 14st 1lb, and I'd still be 1lb to go.

It's a good feeling.

So what now? Well, I'm shooting for another 20lb, a stone and a half, to get me down to 12st 7lb (175lb), and a BMI of 26.6. If I can get there I should be verging on size 14, which has been an impossible dream for so long!

EDIT actually it's not just GOAL, it's HAT TRICK!
-not obese anymore/goal reached
-reached onederland
-7st lost!


Soon it'll be 4 milestones- 2lb to go until 100lb lost. :D
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Brilliant! :woohoo::D

Still have a long way to go to my first goal, but when I see others getting to theirs I just know I'm going to get there.

You're already most of the way there! It's bizarre, really, to think that I am now where I wanted to be 10ish months ago. I mean, who was that person, 21 stone, who decided enough's enough? I know that I was impatient and hated how slow it seemed, but from here it feels like no time at all. I've forgotten all the bits in the middle, all the time spent worrying and weighing and being disappointed with the scale. I'm just here, now, as if I always had been. Weird.

It absolutely IS achievable if you just decide there is no other option. This is how you eat now, end of. :)

(Not that long ago, when I was maybe 16 or 17 st, someone had left their print out next to the weighing machine, and it said 14st 3lb, and I remember thinking wow, if I was that weight I'd be so happy, and feeling jealous. I now weigh less than that person. WOW! :D )
Such an inspirational post Boggins!!!!! Well done, you must be so, so proud!!!


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I'm so pleased for you boggins !! And so proud! And I'm chasing you all the way! Ha ha xxx
I'm in a race with my sister already, and a work colleague! I don't need more competitors! :D Nah, you'll overtake me in no time, especially if I go on holiday again! ;)

Thanks all. Hope it inspires people.
Wow Boggins - well done on your hat trick and keep going:D

Just back from our two week hols where i enjoyed wearing shorts, was seen in a bikini (gasp) and not planning to WI officially until friday to reduce damage;)
Wow, that is absolutely fabulous, well done you! Congratulations.

And thank you so much for sharing with us, losing weight can feel like a long slog but seeing posts likes yours gives us inspiration and hope that we will eventually be reaching our targets too! xx
Fantastic and very inspirational to all of us just starting out. Well done xxx
Wow - well done you that is fantastic and so inspirational!!!
Thanks for all your comments, I really needed that. Just back from visiting my parents where I wasn't 100% good (chocolate, mostly). Back on the straight and narrow again now.

I came back to find the stray cat I've been feeding waiting on the doorstep in the rain. Went in the house only to see the living room door shut. This is wrong- it should be propped open so the foster cats have access to the rest of the house. So I go upstairs, followed by the stray who can't bear to be further than a foot away from me, intending to shut her in my room briefly while I find out what's going on. There's stuff knocked onto my bedroom floor and a bag ripped open, beads everywhere. Managing to lock the stray in, I go to the living room to find one lone foster cat in there.

They must have been playing, knocked the door shut and got separated. There's only one place the other cat could be- under my bed, locked in the room with the stray! Dash back upstairs, lead stray into another bedroom and shut her in, go back to mine and check under the bed- sure enough there's a pair of eyes peering out. She panics and rushes downstairs. The stray starts up a plaintive meowing from the other room. I go downstairs to let the foster cat into the living room to be with her sister, but she panics AGAIN and runs back up the stairs past me and under the bed again!

The stray's meows are turning into a yowl as I prop open the living room door, go back upstairs and watch the foster cat have panic number 3, run downstairs and into the living room. I then have to release the frantic stray who promptly crawls all over me, dribbling and purring. The braver of the two fosters comes up to see what all the yowling was about and has a standoff with the stray.

ARRRRGH! What a welcome! I nearly turned on my heel and went back to London. Eventually lured the stray out of the house with food, after many many cuddles and chin-tickles, and the fosters are now free to roam about their own home again. Blimey O'Riley. I'm going to take advantage of this sudden gap in the rain to go shopping. Strict induction for a couple of weeks, I think! :D
well done boggins, that is truly amazing you have done so well with your weight loss, has that been atkins all the way ?
Loved your account of the kitties! Lol xxx
Oh Boggins love that is so fantabulous!!!! And a real inspiration for me, who is right where you started from - so you've proved that it CAN be done!

As and when you have time could you have a think about tips for success, what got you through the wobbly times, and anything else you think might be useful and post them here/ Would be a great help to me and lots of others, I'm sure :D

Susie xxx